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No Data WIth C#

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  • #16

    Regarding your post from yesterday...the Desktop API can efficiently handle roughly 50-100 symbols at a time. Many variables affect this and it may be less, depending on the amount of data requested and the symbols being monitored. A request for OATS is obviously less intensive than a request for QQQQ. You might try breaking up your requests into batches. Process the first request, then make the next one.

    Regarding your post today, that error would seem to indicate you are still using VS 2005.


    • #17
      You'll see that I posted a problem earlier in the year about memory corruption problems using VS 2005, particularly VB.NET 2005.

      My testing showed that there is a problem with eSignal and VS2005, and it appears to me to be related to threading. The most likely culprit is a non-thread safe function somewhere in the chain...

      Anyway, the result is memory corruption and the application starts to do things that should be impossible in a fully managed environment such as in .net. It may work fine for an hour. Symptom: it works fine for while and then suddenly things just start to go crazy.

      My work around included adding in my own request queue and not having multiple outstanding requests awaiting eSignal return events. This has naturally slowed down acquiring data, but since I am using 5 minute bars, the delay is only a few seconds more than it would otherwise be... this may not work if you want tick data.


      • #18
        No Data With C#

        I also have had problems with eSignal API using NET 2.0 and VS2005. The answer I received from Starr at eSignal Support is that NET 2.0 and VS2005 are not supported and that I should use VS2003 and NET 1.1. Starr did say that work is ongoing to support VS2005. As you know, NET 3.0 is now available and is an intrinsic part of the new Microsoft OS being shipped in January.


        • #19
          Is there an ETA on VS 2005 being supported? I'm getting the same error and assuming its version related.

          Unable to cast COM object of type 'IESignal.HooksClass' to interface type 'IESignal.IHooks'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{C5916B45-A7EB-4919-A742-AD47AE3AE996}' failed due to the following error: System call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010100 (RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED)).

