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miss some symbols real time data during retrieving

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  • miss some symbols real time data during retrieving

    In the following code snippet, if I don't include MsgBox("wait1"), sometimes I could not get every symbol's real time price. What cause that and how can I fix it without using msgbox? Thanks.

    Private Sub GetStockQuoteDataHT()
    Dim al As ArrayList = New ArrayList(StockQuoteDataHT.Keys)
    For Each symbol As String In al
    esignal.RequestSymbol(symbol, False)
    'If StockQuoteDataHT.ContainsValue("") Then
    ' MsgBox("wait1")
    'End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub esignal_OnQuoteChanged(ByVal sSymbol As String) Handles esignal.OnQuoteChanged
    Dim quote As IESignal.BasicQuote
    quote = esignal.GetBasicQuote(sSymbol)
    Dim RealTimePrice As New CPriceInfo
    With RealTimePrice
    .symbol = sSymbol
    .ask = quote.dAsk
    .bid = quote.dBid
    .last = quote.dLast
    .volume = quote.lLastSize
    End With
    StockQuoteDataHT(sSymbol) = RealTimePrice
    End Sub

  • #2
    Re: miss some symbols real time data during retrieving

    I also realized, although the argument is set to false in esignal.RequestSymbol, my application still could multiple update events. Is anyone aware of it?


    • #3
      Try removing that symbol from your eSignal application quote window, then you should only get snapshot.

      In your code snippet below, the use of MsgBox shouldn't alter the behavior of returned events for realtime updates. It is unsure to me what StockQuoteDataHT.ContainsValue does.

      One thing you can check is to make sure that symbols you added are showing up in eSignal DataManager->Data->Symbols. If you don't see that symbol there, you won't get real-time updates for it.

