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  • Vs2005

    Now that we're into 2007, when will eSignal officially start supporting VS2005 for their Desktop API, etc.?

  • #2
    I've just successfully built a C# app using VS2005 using MSBee. The readme is perfectly simple to follow and here's a little help:

    .NET Framework 1.1 Redist
    .NET Framework 1.1 SDK
    And two packages from the Power Toys for Visual Studio page, namely MSBuild Extras(MSBee) and VSCmdShell. The latter will make your life much easier.

    You must modify your csproj file and manually add in a new target. I've included a sample application with this post. Change it to use your username else get a Not Ent. then build it with the command:
    msbuild esigConsole.csproj /t:Rebuild /p:TargetFX1_1=true
    Do this by running the VsCmdShell and life will be simple. You will find the new exe in the bin folder. Start up esignal first, then run it.

    I'm sure you can hack away from here so best of luck ...
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Just to clarify, MSBee comes with a README doc, It's easy to follow so I'm not going through it all again here.

      Beware of things you can't do in .net 1.1 that you'll get in 2.0. Perhaps use the included sample as a template, then code, compile and test often.

      I HAVE tested and the same code under 2.0 is incredibly unstable. The included build will allow you to test for yourself.

