I am trying to write a script in VB.net 2005 that will get historical bars. I believe the examples given in the developer reference guide for esignal are written in VB 6. I have only been programing in VB for the last six months so sometimes it is difficult for me to convert certain lines of code into .net 2005. Iam particularly having a problem with the function FormatBarData. the specific line of code is strBar = FormatBarData(lngBar, baritem)
what formating function should I use to properly format the data recieved that would be recognized in VB.net 2005. I would appreciate any suggestions at least to send me in the right direction to deal with this issue.
what formating function should I use to properly format the data recieved that would be recognized in VB.net 2005. I would appreciate any suggestions at least to send me in the right direction to deal with this issue.