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data 9:30-10:30 missing in intraday history requests

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  • data 9:30-10:30 missing in intraday history requests

    I am collecting intraday historical data everday after market close.

    Data from 9:30 - 10:30 is missing!!! I had from 10:30-16:00. This happened after day light savings.

    I had the same problem with esignal charts. Technical support fixed the problem. I dont know how to fix this one.

    lngHistoryHandle(intL) = esignal.RequestHistory(strSymbols(intL), sInterval, bt, nNumBars, -1, -1)

    This is how i request data last -1s used to mean all day.

    Please help I can not collect anything. I attached my VB program. Please have a look.

    And also vb sample program (from esignal) collecting history for a sysmbol fails with the same problem. It is attached to this file as a zip file

    ################################################## ############################################

    Dim WithEvents esignal As IESignal.Hooks
    Dim lHistoryHandle As Long
    Dim lLastHistoryCount As Long
    Dim strTempDir As String
    Dim lngHistoryHandle(10001) As Long
    Dim strHistoryHandleSymbol(10001) As String
    Dim intOnBarReceivedCounter As Integer
    Dim sInterval As String
    Dim bt As IESignal.barType
    Dim nNumBars As Long
    Dim strSymbols(10001) As String
    Dim intSymbolsCounter As Integer
    Dim intNoSymbolsPerShot As Integer
    Dim intMaxSymbols As Integer
    Dim intOnBarReceivedCounterMini As Integer
    Dim intMaxSymbolLoopCounter As Integer
    Dim intNoOfSymbols As Integer
    Dim intSymbolDelay As Integer

    Private Sub ReleaseHistory()
    If lHistoryHandle <> 0 Then
    esignal.ReleaseHistory lHistoryHandle
    lHistoryHandle = 0
    lLastHistoryCount = 0
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdRequestHistory_Click()

    cmdRequestHistory.Caption = "Running"

    'bt = btDAYS
    bt = btBARS
    sInterval = "5" ' Unit is minutes
    nNumBars = 80 ' Unit is days
    intSleepTimer = 0 ' Unit is miliseconds
    strTempDir = "TEMP"
    intSymbolsCounter = 0
    intHistoryCounter = 0
    intNoOfSymbols = intNoSymbols.Text

    Open "./symbols_rest.txt" For Input As #1
    Do Until (EOF(1) = True)
    Input #1, sSymbol
    sSymbol = Trim(sSymbol)

    intSymbolsCounter = intSymbolsCounter + 1
    strSymbols(intSymbolsCounter) = sSymbol

    Close 1

    strLine = "You have " & intSymbolsCounter & " symbols"
    cmdRequestHistory.Caption = strLine
    Sleep (1500)

    If intSymbolsCounter < intNoOfSymbols Then
    intNoOfSymbols = intSymbolsCounter
    End If

    For intL = 1 To intNoOfSymbols
    lngHistoryHandle(intL) = esignal.RequestHistory(strSymbols(intL), sInterval, bt, nNumBars, -1, -1)
    strHistoryHandleSymbol(lngHistoryHandle(intL)) = strSymbols(intL)
    cmdRequestHistory.Caption = intL
    Sleep (750)
    Next intL

    strLine = "Symbols 1-" & intNoOfSymbols & " is requested"
    cmdRequestHistory.Caption = strLine

    End Sub

    Private Sub esignal_OnBarsReceived(ByVal lHandle As Long)

    intOnBarReceivedCounterMini = intOnBarReceivedCounterMini + 1
    intOnBarReceivedCounter = intOnBarReceivedCounter + 1
    strLine = intOnBarReceivedCounter & " is received"
    cmdRequestHistory.Caption = strLine
    sSymbol = strHistoryHandleSymbol(Handle)

    FillHistory (lHandle)
    esignal.ReleaseHistory (lHandle)

    End Sub

    Private Function FormatBarData(lIndex As Long, item As BarData)
    Dim sRet As String

    ' currently only deals with intervals of 1 and higher. (or p,v,t,s tick charts)
    ' this is capapble of doing raw ticks, just not formatting the data out.
    sRet = Str$(item.dtTime)
    sRet = sRet + ", " + Str$(item.dOpen)
    sRet = sRet + ", " + Str$(item.dHigh)
    sRet = sRet + ", " + Str$(item.dLow)
    sRet = sRet + ", " + Str$( item.dClose)
    sRet = sRet + ", " + Str$(item.dVolume)

    FormatBarData = sRet
    End Function

    Private Function FillHistory(lHistoryHandle As Long)

    ' this function handles all bars received and bar updates

    sSymbol = strHistoryHandleSymbol(lHistoryHandle)

    Dim lNumBars As Long
    Dim baritem As IESignal.BarData
    Dim lBar As Long
    Dim sBar As String

    lNumBars = esignal.GetNumBars(lHistoryHandle)
    If lNumBars = 0 Then
    Exit Function
    End If

    Open "./date.txt" For Input As #3
    Do Until (EOF(3) = True)
    Input #3, sDate
    sDate = Trim(sDate)
    Close 3

    lstHistory.AddItem sDate
    strSymbolPath = "../../DATA/INTRADAY/5MIN/" & sDate & "/" & sSymbol
    lstHistory.AddItem strSymbolPath

    Open strSymbolPath For Output As #2

    For lBar = -(lNumBars - 1) To 0
    baritem = esignal.GetBar(lHistoryHandle, lBar)
    sBar = FormatBarData(lBar, baritem)

    Write #2, sBar
    Next lBar

    Close 2

    lstHistory.AddItem sSymbol
    FillHistory = 1

    End Function

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set esignal = New IESignal.Hooks
    lHistoryHandle = 0
    lLastHistoryCount = 0

    esignal.SetApplication ("utuzel")

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)


    Set esignal = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub Text1_Change()

    End Sub
    Attached Files

  • #2
    It seems something might have been messed up with relation to Daylight Savings Time? I am seeing records that normally collected for 6:30 to 12:45 PST now come out an hour late. This goes back to Feb 27th on some stocks.

    I'm not sure if the data is missing or just offset an hour.

    If someone from eSignal could just tell us whats going on here would be appreciated.



    • #3
      First Hour Of Data Missing.

      I'm seeing consistently the first hours worth of data missing.

      Can we get a response eSignal? This is a showstopper.

      Code to handle this three years old, something on your farms.



      • #4
        Hi All,

        I found a temporary solution.

        in stead of using this

        lngHistoryHandle(intL) = esignal.RequestHistory(strSymbols(intL), sInterval, bt, nNumBars, -1, -1)

        use this.

        lngHistoryHandle(intL) = esignal.RequestHistory(strSymbols(intL), sInterval, bt, nNumBars, 570, 960)

        I still need a response from esignal team.



        • #5
          Thanks for the workaround; you're a life saver.

          Day 4 with no first-hour data, and still no response from anyone at eSignal. Yet another case of a show stopper bug in the ActiveX control that eSignal takes its sweet time to address. This is not the first time I've experienced this. eSignal needs to either treat the ActiveX control as a real product and actually support it, or tell us that it's going away and we should find another data provider.


          • #6
            Hello jimcole23,

            I apologize for the delay in providing a response to you. The new date for the time change presented a few issues that we were not able to test in advance. We are working diligently to provide a resolution to these issues, and hope to provide a more permanent solution soon.

            The workaround offered by Utuzel appears to work and is documented on page 4-4 of the eSignal Developer Reference for the eSignal Desktop API. I have tested this workaround as well.

            In my test, I used the following options:

            RequestHistory(symbol, "5", btBars, 80, 300, 1000)

            My local clock setting is set to Pacific Time.

            With these options I was able to collect data starting around 5:30 am Pacific. An hour before the market opens. This ensures that I also collect the premarket trades.

            I set my clock to Eastern Time, used the same settings and had similar results. The data was time-stamped around 8:30 am Eastern-- an hour before the market opens.

            Again, I apologize the delay in responding and for having to implement this work around. Please know that the eSignal Desktop API is a current product and we will continue to support it.

            Thank you for choosing eSignal and thank you for your patience.


            - Todd -
            Todd Gafford | Developer Support and API Product Manager | Interactive Data Desktop Solutions
            3955 Point Eden Way, Hayward, CA 94545


            • #7
              New user

              eSignal support...... to you about this PROBLEM.......

              i am a new user.......

              I have spent maybe 8 hours working on WHY MY CODE would bring in "daily" history, but not CURRENT 5min data......

              when you "sell" this product, you should give a credit on the account for using it WITHOUT SUPPORT.



              • #8
                Hello bugsx,

                I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with retrieving 5 min bars and we look forward to working with you.

                The eSignal Desktop API is a supported product and as such there are two main ways in which the product is supported:

                1. The Desktop API User Forum

                2. ActiveX e-mail support

                The Desktop API User Forum was designed to allow users to assist each other in their programming efforts, and is moderated by eSignal staff.

                ActiveX e-mail support is provided for more individualized support. Should you not find the assistance you need in the forums, you are more than welcome to submit an inquiry to ActiveX e-mail support. While we do our best to respond in a timely manner, please allow for 1 business day.

                Please also note that phone support is not available for the Desktop API, and the phone support representatives will not be able to provide technical assistance regarding the API.

                For your current issue, I invite you to submit your inquiry to ActiveX e-mail support. Please provide specific details about the function calls you make and your eSignal username.

                Once again, we are here to help and look forward to working with you.

                Thank you for choosing eSignal!
                Todd Gafford | Developer Support and API Product Manager | Interactive Data Desktop Solutions
                3955 Point Eden Way, Hayward, CA 94545

