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GetBasicQuote() failing

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  • GetBasicQuote() failing

    My program calls GetBasicQuote() in the call-back OnQuoteChanged(). When I test my program with a lot of symbols such as 90 symbols the function GetBasicQuote() fails generating a run-time error. This same thing happens in the VC++ sample app provided with the Desktop API. Has anyone run across a problem like this before? Maybe some of system files are not the correct version? I am using windows XP home, winsig.exe v7.9.0.773 and dbcapi.dll v Any suggestions?


    PS. How can I copy text into this forum? Right now I can not use copy paste in the message box.


  • #2
    The Desktop API only supports real-time streaming for a maximum of 50 symbols concurrently. The run-time error you are experiencing could be related to this limit since you are calling GetBasicQuote for 90 symbols.

    As for cutting and pasting into our forum new thread message box, you should be able to just right click on the message box area and select paste.


    • #3
      I lowered the number of real-time quotes that I am tracking to 40 and that seems to have fixed the problem with the GetBasicQuote() crashing.

      About the forums copy paste.
      When I right click the forum's message text area I get the popup menu with the items, back, forward, print, refresh. But there is no copy paste. Also the Ctrl-v does not paste.


      • #4
        When you start a new thread, you should be able to paste text into the new message area, just as you can type in the message box. Is this the same thing we are talking about?


        • #5
          I see the right-click pop up menu in the "Your Reply" box is now different. It now shows Copy Paste so that problem is resolved. I don't know why the menu didn't show these values in the past.



          • #6
            Number of symbols


            I have just signed up for the Desktop API. According to the literature, the eSignal Premier package allows viewing of 200 symbols at a time; the Plus package allows 500. Is the Desktop API really limited to just 50? If so, what does the 200/500 viewing limit refer to?



            • #7
              The 200/500 limit applies when you try to view real-time quotes in the eSignal application. However, the Desktop API itself has a 50 symbol limit when you try to concurrently watch real-time updates if you implement an application using the Desktop API. This limitation is partially due to the performance limitation of the ActiveX technology as well as the Microsoft programming resource (i.e. Visual Basic)

