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Avoiding Crash Reports

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  • Avoiding Crash Reports

    I have a situation when eSignal will show its Crash Report dialog box and I am hoping someone can tell me how to avoid this.

    If I start eSignal dynamically by telling my program to connect, then switch to the eSignal program and open a Layout, when I close my program eSignal does not automatically close because the layout is open. When I manually close eSignal by selecting the menu File->Exit Save All the eSignal Crash Report is generated. I believe this crash report is caused by my program being closed which was used to dynamically open eSignal. Are there any guidelines for the proper order to open and close eSignal and 3rd party software when we are going to be using both the eSignal Layout and the 3rd party software so I can avoid the Crash Reports.


  • #2
    Hi Patrick,

    If you close your layout (so that you have a blank page), before closing your own application, then eSignal should close without crashing. It's a bit of a bug, but a fairly easy workaround.


    • #3
      I am dealing with some of the same issues. Since my program continuously scans the market for specific trading patterns, the program needs to deal with crashes by sensing them and then automatically recovering to continue the data flow. Thus it would be great if my program could shut down and restart the eSignal application when there is a problem. It would also be great to automatically shut down during off hours. Starting the eSignal application is easy but shutting down appears problematic.

      The manual indicates that releasing the active handles and setting the eSignal reference to "Nothing" should close the application. This thread indicates the same. That has not been my experience. So:

      1) Is there a bomb proof way to shut down to allow a clean restart of the eSignal application?

      2) What is the best way for my program to sense the failure (crash) of the eSignal application?


      • #4
        Build an object that will walk the task list in Windows and kill off WinSig and WinROS. Normally you just need to kill WinSig but sometimes both.

        You will get some COM errors which indicate WinSIG is hosed and at that point use the object to kill and restart eSignal.

        I also have a hotkey in my program which kills off eSignal and then the restart process will happen. I use this when it's obvious eSignal is wound around the axle but has not yet died on it's own.

        Once you kill eSignal restart it normally and resubmit any data requests.

        Don't assume there is a way to close eSignal without it crashing, better to figure out how the wrestle it to the ground and restart it. I actually also have a thread that looks for the crash message dialog as well and restarts it when that shows up....

        The crash message dialog for me never did send anything to eSignal, but took me a while to figure that out.

        Basically a lot of work but this path will work as I don't believe other paths are being fixed.


