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Connecting to eSignal Control API using Java

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  • Connecting to eSignal Control API using Java

    Hi all

    I'm performing a proof-of-concept evaluation to see if we can integrate eSignal's Control Edition data feed into the charting section of our Java application and I'm struggling a bit. I wonder if anyone's able to give me some answers to the following high-level questions, or direct me to somewhere I can find out about this?

    The documentation says that the control may be used by Windows programming languages. Now I'm guessing that this definition is not intended to include Java (or maybe it is?), but does anyone use Java to access the eSignal data and if so how do you go about it?

    After reading the "eSignal Control Edition" and the "Standard eSignal API Edition" documents I think I understand the basic architecture, so I'm now trying to figure out how to integrate this into our system. It seems that one must parse the winros.ini file and start the winros.exe application using these parameters, and this starts up the Data Manager. Then a connection is made to the eSignal servers by calling methods of the Data Manager, and after that one can call the methods of the API to retrieve data. The first problem that I come up against is that if I use Java to launch the DataManager, I don't have any way of obtaining a reference to it in order to call methods on it (the SetAppIdentifiers() and OpenConnection() methods). So I'm wondering what people's thoughts are as to how to do that? Would we need to produce a JNI interface to call the methods of the Data Manager, and to what DLL should this map? It's also tricky (or maybe not possible) to pass startup params to a Windows application launched from Java, so I was wondering if the winros.exe reads the winros.ini file when it starts up?

    Also, assuming that we achieve the previous step, how do we then call the methods of the API? Can we simply load the DbCtrl.dll and dbcapi.dll files in the JVM using System.load(String dll) and then declare native methods that match the dbcapi.dll methods?

    I hope this makes some sense - any advice is much appreciated.



  • #2
    Hi Paul,

    This forum is for questions related to the Desktop API. I believe one of the Developer Support Specialists has contacted you via email regarding these questions about the other two APIs.

