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Crash error "Server is unavailable"

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  • Crash error "Server is unavailable"

    I am experiencing an intermittent eSignal crash when I try to load a new stock symbol into a chart. To find the exact function that is failing I set up a log file to list the eSignal functions that are called and pass. The list below shows that my code calls 6 eSignal functions successfully and then the function RequestHistory fails with the error message "The RPC server is unavailable". The full text of the error message is below. The RequestHistory does not fail every time, it works most of the time. I am not sure what makes the function work sometimes and fail sometimes? Any advice would be very helpful.

    Log1 IsEntitled = Pass
    Log2 IsValidSymbol = Pass
    Log3 ReleaseTimeSales = Pass
    Log4 ReleaseHistory = Pass
    Log6 ReleaseSymbol = Pass
    Log7 RequestHistory = Fail

    ====Error Msg text======
    'this->get_RequestHistory(sSymbol, sInterval, btType, INumBars, IStartTime, IEndTime, (long*)&pVal)': The RPC server is unavailable. @ C:\Program Files\Borland\Imports\IESignal_TLB.h/583


  • #2
    Hi Patrick,

    I have not seen this error before, but my research indicates that this is a Windows error. The RPC Server is a Windows service that facillitates client/server communication. This can refer to a local client talking to a remote server, or to communications between processes on the same machine.

    Unfortunately, it looks like this can be the result of numerous different causes. ( turns up over 3700 articles.) Post your code, and we can see if anything jumps out in terms of how you are handling the data.


    • #3
      Pointing out that this is a Windows error helped me solve the problem. I had a situation where I was passing a Handle to the API that had already been released. That seems to have been the cause of the error message.

      This situation came up because I am trying to solve a different problem. There are times when I do a RequestHistory for just a few days of data so I can get the previous days close. I get the Handle but the OnBarsReceived call back never comes. 9 out of 10 times everything works but sometime the data never somes through. I even tried putting IsHistoryReady[lDlyHandle] in a for loop to keep checking, but nothing. I eventually have to release the history handle and make a new RequestHistory, then it works and the data comes through. This only seems to happen when requesting a few days of data like below. Requesting a lot of data does not show this behavior. Do you have any suggestions as to how long I should wait before doing a second RequestHistory?

      wIntDly = "D";
      btTypeDly = btDAYS;
      lNumBarsDly = 3;
      lStartTimeDly = -1;
      lEndTimeDly = -1;

      //Request Yesterday's Close
      lDlyHandle = Hooks1->RequestHistory [wSymbol] [wIntDly] [btTypeDly] [lNumBarsDly] [lStartTimeDly] [lEndTimeDly];

