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  • LoadLayout

    Hello, I added the following code to the xls and stepped into it after init, but it does not load a layout and does not give an error message. I do not have entitlemants since I am not hitting your servers - all I want to do is open a chart THANKS. Ken

    Dim WithEvents esignal As IESignal.Hooks
    Dim sLastSymbol As String
    Dim sLastInterval As String
    Dim lHistoryHandle As Long
    Dim lLastHistoryCount As Long
    Dim bStarted As Boolean

    Private Sub zOpnLay()
    Dim sPath As String, bPrompt As Long
    'I want to load this layout
    'I tried with a blank screen and also a different layout already open
    'Does this load it but not "show" it????
    sPath = "C:\Program Files\eSignal\00-Z-BLANK.LAY"
    bPrompt = 1 'what are these codes ??????????????????
    esignal.LoadLayoutOrPage sPath, bPrompt
    End Sub
    Private Sub esignal_OnLoadingLayoutOrPage(ByVal sSym As String)
    Stop 'this fires and shows symbol ok if I manually load it
    Debug.Print sSym
    End Sub

  • #2
    Hi Ken,

    When you say you do not have entitlements, do you mean you do not have an active eSignal account? The API will not work without it. Assuming you do have an active account, you can invoke a chart window using code similar to the following:

    Private Sub cmdInvokeWindow_Click()
    Dim whichWindow As String
    whichWindow = Combo1.Text

    Select Case whichWindow
    Case "Quote Window":
    Call esignal.CreateNewWindow(wtfQUOTEWINDOW, 0, 0, 700, 500, True, "IBM")
    Case "Advanced Chart":
    Call esignal.CreateNewWindow(wtfADVANCEDCHART, 0, 0, 700, 500, True, "IBM")
    Case "Detail Window":
    Call esignal.CreateNewWindow(wtfDETAIL, 0, 0, 700, 500, True, "IBM")
    Case "Market Depth":
    Call esignal.CreateNewWindow(wtfMARKETDEPTH, 0, 0, 700, 500, True, "IBM")
    Case "Time & Sales":
    Call esignal.CreateNewWindow(wtfTIMESALES, 0, 0, 700, 500, True, "IBM")
    Case Else:
    MsgBox ("Please choose a window")
    End Select

    End Sub


    • #3
      Yes I have an account. Just wanted to do something simple like open a chart from VB - can not get it done. The eSignal app starts with the dim new etc, but the create does nothing. How do I find the error on this?


      • #4
        "The eSignal app starts with the dim new etc, but the create does nothing" Can you explain more about this? Maybe post a code sample?

