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Releasing ALL symbols ?

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  • Releasing ALL symbols ?


    I'm missing some sort of 'releaseallsymbols' function. Is this possible somehow ?

    Also I found out that if you start 2 instances of your program, they both receive all the'onquotechanged's messages (e.g. I start 2 instances, first instances registers stock A, 2nd Stock B, both instances now receive the onquotechanged messages for both stocks A and B). Isn't it possible somehow to just register for 1 instance ?

    Thanks !

  • #2
    I can't imagine why you would need two instances, but if you did then I imagine that they would have to be completely isolated (separate boxes would be the most foolproof) and you would need two eSignal subscriptions (otherwise, the entire world could run off one eSignal subscription). When you now create two instances of eSignal, I suspect that you are only creating two instances of the API object but those instances remain children of the one instance of the parent eSignal data manager which is bound to your one eSignal subscription.
    There are many ways to allow mutiple applications and processes to access data from a single eSignal subscriptions. You could write an application that would wrap the eSignal API to offer the I/O functionality you need for your multiple applications. You could make each of your applications a module of a larger application. Your design will depend on exactly what you are trying to do from a trading perspective and how much time (non-trading) you can invest in building the ultimate bomb proof trading system.
    Good Trading.

