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eSignal-MatLab link up

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  • eSignal-MatLab link up

    I need to interface with MATLAB as in send data to it and nothing else. Can anyone help, is think there is a need for an Active X development, can anyone advise me?
    Thank you

  • #2
    If you do .NET development, you can write everything you need in matlib api environment. As I recall, however, eSignal does not recommend use of .net. Of course, you would need the eSignal desktop or better API to do this development work.

    My recommendation is that before you go this direction, you should be sure you can write the necessary eSignal API code probably within a VBA-Excel environment. The history request handling, which is what I guess you'll use, is far from straightforward, flakey, not really event-driven-reliable (although it is in theory written in that manner).

    It took me 1.5 man-weeks and this forum before I got something I could live with. Putting it in matlib isn't a task Santa will lightly put under you tree.

    Be happy.

