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Bid/Ask Prices Zero

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  • Bid/Ask Prices Zero

    I recently downloaded the lastest eSignal Pro app and am trying to get my code to work againt Version 10.0 (build 394) of the Data Manager Application but I am running into an issue for weeks now. Bid and Ask prices and sizes are all zeros and never get updated for ES and ZB specifically. I tried a few other products like IBM, AAPL etc and they also had nothing for Bid/Ask price and size.

    Just to make sure I was not crazy I ran a quote detail window in eSignal Pro (Version 10.1) and it also returns zeros for bid/ask price/size.

    Is there any reason why ES and ZB are returning 0 for both bid and ask prices. Is there some configuration setting I am missing?

    Last price and size updates correctly.

    This used to work just fine, I have no idea when this stopped working. None of my code has changed.

    Any thoughts?


  • #2
    Hi Robmax,

    In and effort to reduce the amount of data downloaded to our users desktop and to increase the speed of loading interval charts we removed the historical bid/ask data from the delayed feed. This was something we researched through and found to be the best options for increased speed.

    We apologize for any inconvenience.

    eSignal Support

