I need to develop app. which should take quotes and store 'em in our internal db.
I'm trying to use Desktop API for it.
So, my questions are:
1) eSignal application should run while I am getting quotes via API. It is much like VBA for MS-Office, right?
2) Does there are some other APIs? Running application on server is not very good idea for me. I need only data, no GUI.
3) Does there is a way to get some fake data, to test my app? I do not want to use real account for now.
Thank you.
I need to develop app. which should take quotes and store 'em in our internal db.
I'm trying to use Desktop API for it.
So, my questions are:
1) eSignal application should run while I am getting quotes via API. It is much like VBA for MS-Office, right?
2) Does there are some other APIs? Running application on server is not very good idea for me. I need only data, no GUI.
3) Does there is a way to get some fake data, to test my app? I do not want to use real account for now.
Thank you.