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ActiveX API in real time locks eSignal user interface

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  • ActiveX API in real time locks eSignal user interface

    I used the simple SVB sample program "TsSample" that you posted on . I used the symbol "ES #F" to run the application during the peak market hours from 8:30 am to 10:30 am.

    The sample SVB program runs great and the CPU utilization for this process is around 16-30% when it is running which is not that much. Also, during this time the CPU utilization by "Winsig.exe" process is around 30-60%.
    When sample svb program is running the eSignal User Interface (UI) doesn't respond to my mouse clicks. I cannot even use File menu option. When I click on File menu it just doesn't respond. It seems that eSignal UI has locked itself.
    This happens mostly during peak hours. During non-peak hours, the application does respond intermittently (not that bad as I see during peak hours).

    Is this expected? If yes then how can I make use of or justify my investment to get the license for ActiveX application if the eSignal UI will not respond when using ActiveX API.

    As you must be aware that the sample SVB doesn't do much. It just gets the ticks and add to list view. Nor it utilizes any CPU nor any memory but still eSignal is not responsive. All other application are responsive even when SVB program is running. I can work on word, excel and even Visual studio 2008. It is only eSignal UI that locks.

    I will appreciate your response to this mail as it will give me idea of whether to use eSignal ActiveX API for my software development which might be distributed to my other colleagues who might not have to purchase eSignal license if this API doesn't work well in real time with the eSignal UI. Thank you in advance.

    I got the following response from ActiveX support team.

    Hi Nitin,

    I'm not able to reproduce this. When running this same sample, the eSignal application does respond. There is a slight delay when switching between layouts, but all menus are responsive and data is streaming. This is likely an issue of system resources.

    Thank you,
    eSignal Developer Support

    I still face the problem. Can you guys reporduce this and confirm my claim:


    Thanks for response. Did you try this during the peak hours? Peak hours are during 8:30 am to 10:00 am. Also it needs to be kept running for about 20-40 min.
    Today also I got the same problem. I am running it on P4 2.2 GHz with 1.5 GB RAM.
    Also, if you try to modify the code to pull historical data from about 2 days and when historical data is being pulled that time also the eSignal application menu doesn;t respond.

    You might (50% chance) see everything running if you do the test in afternoon.

    Please do let me know.


  • #2
    Can you tell us the version and build number for the version of eSignal application you are running?

    Can you also try to run the sample?
    To obtain real-time ticks, you can enter a symbol and click the
    "Tick Server [Intraday History]" button.


    • #3
      I am using the version 10.1.1291.910 (7/14/2008).
      eSignal Options Analytics DLL Build 7, Created on 05/07/2001

      I will try the vb sample during peak hours and let you know.

      Thanks for reply.

