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  • GetTimeSalesBar

    When I run the sample project "TsSample Project", I get the following error:
    Run-time error '-2147023898 (800703e6)':
    Method 'GetTimeSalesBar' of object 'IHooks'failed

    The error is at this line:
    item = esignal.GetTimeSalesBar(lTsHandle, lBar)
    The error still exist even when I take out other lines in FillTS() Sub and changed to the following:
    item = esignal.GetTimeSalesBar(lTsHandle, 0)

    I have no problem with the "vb sample" requestion basic quotes and historical data.

  • #2
    Somewhere I saw you were on build 607? Might try upgrading to build 608 (eSignal 7.4) avail @

    Please install that build, run it, then try again.

    Matt Gundersen


    • #3
      I upgraded to 7.4 yesterday and I have build 608.


      • #4
        I reported this same bug on 7/16 while running build 607. After upgrading to build 608 there was no change, same problem.

        Another bug I reported about the same time, it appears that a symbol must be open in winsig before accessing it through the API in order for it to update properly. I get an initial value, but it doesn't update until I add the symbol to a chart, quote window, etc. That one is still with us in build 608 also.



        • #5
          Another one I saw might be similar to the second bug you have. I see some strange stuff when I do the following:
          1. Run some quotes, charts, and T&S in the main window.
          2. In TsSample Project, the declared handle variable is lTsHandle, and the esignal_OnTimeSalesChanged parameter is lHandle. Under that function, if you replace calling "FillTS" with "list.AddItem CStr(lHandle)" you'll see some numbers printed in the list box (every time there's a change in the esignal T&S window, which is not related to the symbol on the sample project form), even though you haven't clicked the "Start" or cmdRequest button yet.
          3. But if you change the OnTimeSalesChanged function parameter to lTsHandle (to match with the declared handle variable, above behavior is not seen. I thought that OnTimeSalesChanged is not supposed to be fired until after I run RequestTimeSales().


          • #6
            Is there anyone on this board who can run GetTimeSalesBar (or the TsSample Project, from ActiveX file sharing) with no errors?


            • #7
              It works for me in Visual Studio .NET 2003.


              • #8
                Do you have more than one version of eSignal on your system?

                If so, I'm wondering if there are multiple winsig.tlb files. Can you search your hard drive for that file?

                Also, if you open the vbp file with notepad or something, you'll see something like this:
                Reference=*\G{9C7CCB46-E9E8-4DDD-9784-4458877C2F10}#1.0#0#..\winsig\windebug\winsig.tlb# IESignal

                That should be pointing to the folder with the latest version of eSingal on your computer.
                Matt Gundersen


                • #9
                  Matt and GenSpoo,
                  Thanks for your replies. If it works for GenSpoo, I guess there's something wrong on my computer. There's only one copy of winsig.tlb, and only one version of eSignal installed. I uninstalled and reinstalled 7.4 (build 608), but the problem still exists. I have VB6 on W2k. I'll run it on another computer and see how it goes.


                  • #10
                    Same problem

                    I have the same problem and have not been able to get it to work. Using VB 6 SP5 with win2000, ESignal Data Manager Version 7.4 build 258, ESignal version 7.4 build 608, and the test app supplied by esignal fails with the same error code at the same spot. Very frustrating!


                    • #11

                      I installed the app on a win98 computer and it worked fine. Has anyone been able to make the sample time and sales application work on a Win2K machine? Could it be an ActiveX permissions problem? Maybe a security issue?

                      Neal Thomas


                      • #12
                        Re: Win2K

                        Originally posted by mfc_programmer
                        I installed the app on a win98 computer and it worked fine. Has anyone been able to make the sample time and sales application work on a Win2K machine? Could it be an ActiveX permissions problem? Maybe a security issue?

                        Neal Thomas
                        I have exactly the same question: Has anyone been able to make the sample time and sales application work on a Win2K machine?

                        What is eSignal's official position on this? Are there acknowledged issues with GetTimeSalesBar under Win2K?



                        • #13
                          couldn't get it working on w2k, and simply stopped using it.


                          • #14
                            I'll make sure someone here at eSignal is looking into this, but I want to make sure anyone participating in this thread or reading it understands that the ActiveX interface and the sample apps are all part of an add-on service. If you weren't aware of this, you can click here for more information.

                            Thank you,


                            • #15
                              I am running into a similar issue with GetTimeSalesBar on eSignal 7.5 (build 621) on a Win2k machine.

                              Has eSignal ever produced a resolution to this issue?

