I have a software program that uses the Active X Api to access data through the eSignal charting program. Currently I have eSignal Premier and charting program 10.6.1879.975 (02/22/2010).
Some people who have the eSignal GET Subscription and try my software are getting the COM object not found error. This occurs when my software can not find the eSignal charting program installed on their computer. I would like to ask if I have to do something special to make my Active X Api work with the GET subscription? My software was developed using the eSignal Premier subscription.
Some people who have the eSignal GET Subscription and try my software are getting the COM object not found error. This occurs when my software can not find the eSignal charting program installed on their computer. I would like to ask if I have to do something special to make my Active X Api work with the GET subscription? My software was developed using the eSignal Premier subscription.