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IsValidSymbol() doesn't work

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  • IsValidSymbol() doesn't work

    Problem: Somedays I can use correctly the API IsValidSymbol() function, but on other days not.
    Actually I have 2 seperated PC's each running eSignal 1.6, and the problem is on one, or both (or sometimes it works on both).

    More info:
    a) my API-program can connect and is Entitled for API use (and works for years)

    b) I have quote subscriptions for all the Symbols I request (but only request 3 symbols)

    c) when I issue the IsValidSymbol() function I do get a 1 (true) if all works well. But get 0 (false) if it doesn't.

    d) each day I request the VERY SAME symbols: "ES Z1" and "NQ Z1" for instance. But one time it works the other time not

    e) If it doesn't work, it sometimes helps to stop and restart eSignal (and my API-prog). Sometimes I need to restart 3 times (including a PC restart) before I finaly get a TRUE for IsValidSymbol().

    f) my program-code isn't changed for a long time, and worked well. But now for several weeks I have this issue.

    1) Is it possible that eSignal has several Servers, and that for some reason one or more Servers have not the correct subscription information from my two accounts ?? How can this be solved?
    2) is there some Log-file in eSignal where I can find to which Server I'm connected?

    Hope someone can help me......

  • #2

    Geneally I would conclude this as an entitlement issue, however since you're getting the false positive on occasion I think it might be a server issue. and wor checking the servers to see if we get the same results. Not that this is a user entitlement issue but may be server entitlement.

    1) Is it possible that eSignal has several Servers, and that for some reason one or more Servers have not the correct subscription information from my two accounts ?? How can this be solved?
    It's highly unlike that your entitlements would be different from one server to the next.

    2) is there some Log-file in eSignal where I can find to which Server I'm connected?

    Because of load balancing to evenly split up the load between the servers there isn't a published list of the server that you've connected too. There is a MRU (Most Resently Used) list that we can check provide you have not log on and off to many times.

    What I suggest is when or if you should experience the issue again please note the time. We can check your connections for that same time frame to see if the servers you connected to are still on the list. With that information we can check the IsSymbolValid on the same servers.

    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Thank you AveryH,
      For your fast reply and looking into this problem.

      This morning, my both PCs and both eSignal accounts worked well.

      I will post tomorrow again (or when ever the issue repeats).

      Thanks !


      • #4

        It works now (4 days in a row). So I guess you guys have solved something on your Servers.

        Thanks !

