Here is another XML function that I can't seem to get working. The button click event below runs but the return value is the string 'Quote'. I expected the return value to be a XML string that would contain the quote values. Is this function still active? I am programming in C++ but can't find a C++ example of this.
void __fastcall TForm1::Button5Click(TObject *Sender)
BSTR sSymbol = L"IBM";
BSTR ReturnValue;
ReturnValue = Hooks1->XMLGetBasicQuote( sSymbol );
//Desc: Retrieves quote data for the symbol requested in XML format.
void __fastcall TForm1::Button5Click(TObject *Sender)
BSTR sSymbol = L"IBM";
BSTR ReturnValue;
ReturnValue = Hooks1->XMLGetBasicQuote( sSymbol );
//Desc: Retrieves quote data for the symbol requested in XML format.