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How often to expect API updates?

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  • How often to expect API updates?

    We have made various suggestions here and there for enhancements to the API. I was wondering what sort of schedule any API updates are to be expected upon? Does eSignal plan to update the API with each release of the client app itself? So that we will have some changes when 7.5 is released shortly?

    We just haven't really received any feedback on this as far as I've noticed. It's nice to get replies that a suggestion will be considered, but without any sort of ETA it can feel like we aren't really being listened to.

    Also, besides what we have suggested, what other sorts of things are planned for future API updates?

    Talk to us, please...

  • #2

    Most of the Development Staff is out this week due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, but they have commited to talking about this next week. I would expect an answer sometime in the middle of next week.

    To all: If there's one or two API features/enhancements that are really high on your list, please post them in this thread, and I'll pass them along to the team to discuss.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Thanks Jay. Good to hear.

      I'll start off my list.

      Number 1 is the most critical show stopper for me and my highest priority concern.

      1. Add GetTimeSalesDataArray() and IsTimeSalesHistoryReady()
      see thread:

      TimeSalesData tsd[500000];
      if (IsTimeSalesHistoryReady(lHandle)) {
          int numBars = GetNumTimeSalesBars(lHandle);
          long firstIndex = -numBars + 1;
          int count = numBars; // In this case, I want them all
          GetTimeSalesDataArray(lHandle, firstIndex, count, tsd);
      2. Fix the premature OnBarsReceived event.
      see thread:

      3. Add support to receive (emini) market depth via the API.
      see thread:

      4. Does start/end time in history request work?
      see thread:

      5. A brute force CloseAllRequestHandles() function, at least for use by developers. If you don't want to allow its use in "certified" apps, that is fine. But it can be handy for us during development.

      6. Absolute indexing of ticks/bars. Could potentially fire an OnIndexChanged() event if the internal mechanics make native absolute indexing difficult. Note that OnIndexChanged() would never fire after IsHistoryReady() returns true because the bar indices would never need shifting after all the history has loaded.
      see thread:

