I want to keep track of 200 symbol.
It seems that the active x is not retreiving the values fast enough.
I subscribe to the 200 symbols and then I retreive my bid or ask them directly.
Should I:
1 stop subsribing and retreive the values directly. I would then lose the ability to react on changes...
2 only subcribe and update each time the update event is fired a global data structure. Maybe getting the data directly has a lot of overhead...?
It seems that the active x is not retreiving the values fast enough.
I subscribe to the 200 symbols and then I retreive my bid or ask them directly.
Should I:
1 stop subsribing and retreive the values directly. I would then lose the ability to react on changes...
2 only subcribe and update each time the update event is fired a global data structure. Maybe getting the data directly has a lot of overhead...?