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  • #16
    Can you tell me how to do that, I'm not familiar with the procedure, or even simpler could you post an updated tlb.

    Thanks in advance,


    • #17
      ok I was able to import the active x directly from the .exe. so don't worry about the tlb.

      Tell the autistic team of esignal active x developer that they should provide some kind of doc update next time they ship a new version.



      • #18
        The crash on exit is not 100% repeatable; it only seems to happen if I've been getting some data through the activex interface. It is a big problem for me because:

        1. eSignal's realtime feeds quit working spontaneously sometimes.

        2. When they do quit, I need my app to shut down eSignal and restart it (this is the only thing I've found that will reliably restore feeds).

        3. When eSignal shuts down, it crashes, leaving the "crash report" dialog (which doesn't work either--it reports some error about not being able to contact your server).

        4. I can't kill the "crash report" dialog directly. There may be some way to kill it by getting its PID from windows and terminating it, but the mountain of extra code i've had to write to make eSignal a reliable source of realtime data grows and grows...

        5. eSignal won't restart when the "crash report" dialog is still up.

        6. The end result: my realtime feed is dead, and can't be restarted without human intervention.

        One other comment: I guess eSignal doesn't give a @#$% about my post #7082 ("realtime tick handles quit updating"), since I've received no response at all. I guess they don't care to receive my $160 a month anymore?


        • #19

          I would like to respond to some of your comments. There are over 100 developers that are successfully using the feed, without many of the issues that you are dealing with, including a team that I managed at a different company. From my own experience, I remember having to add logic for blips in network connectivity, which would obviously affect a streaming feed.

          As far as the data feeds are concerned, the up-time and reliability is extraordinarily high, with the last major issue over 18 months ago.

          Lastly, eSignal is concerned with the ActiveX development community, which is why I was brought on board. Basically the adoption of the tool was bigger success than anticipated and we are in the process of adding more resources to the area.

          I hope that you can resolve your issues and continue to develop with our product.




          • #20

            Have you had any luck getting to the bottom of your problem.

            I ask since I am experiencing something very similar.


            Kevin Anstey
            Paamco LLC


            • #21
              Yes, we resolved this problem with version 7.7. This thread is 6 months old.

