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Commercial Application

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  • Commercial Application

    Our application is now approaching final beta testing. Can you tell me what I need to do in order to distribute it with the esignal component. For example the documentation mentions the development account and an application name given by esignal. Are either of these required for me to distribute my application?
    Does esignal need to verify my application in any way?

    Can I just distribute what I have to users who already have the esignal desktop?



  • #2
    Application string


    There is a certification process that is required for your application to be distributed to users that do not have the eSignal Desktop API feature available to their account.

    I will send you more information soon.


    • #3
      I think you are okay to distribute to users who have the API themselves, but to allow people who don't have the API addition to their accounts you need t get eSignal to certify it.
      There are two entitlements a user of your code could have - they paid $200 (or something like that amount) to obtain the go ahead to use the API themselves for developing add ons etc for personal use. These add ons, as I understand it, can be shared between any users who have paid that $200 but 'normal' users can't run it.
      'Normal' users can have a sort of API entitlement that allows them to run add ons programmed commercially, there's no fee to the user for this, they but they can't run stuff that the home coders have rattled off for their own benefit - they can only run certified add ons. Certified add ons are programmed by 3rd party developers who pay a couple of $k to develop using the API, they then have to submit the end result to eSignal for certification before being allowed to distribute.
      There may be a few minor errors in the above, but I believe it gives a fair gist of the arrangement.


      • #4

        You are correct, for the most part. Let me clarify:

        The certification process is just a check to make sure your applicaiton does not overly tax our servers or is malicious in any way.

        ANY application, or add-on, can become certified, so you can distribute your application if it uses the Desktop API, which has an associated charge - allowing you to distribute your application to ANY eSignal user. eSignal has allowed a way for you developers to sell your application, give it way, do whatever you would like by obtaining an application string that replaces your username in the SetApplication() function. There is even a file share for you to distribute your study.

        Read this for more info

