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  • #16
    Yes I just downloaded the latest release.

    To be clear, I'm referring to a post belows that says

    "But also request responses from eSignal are quite indeterminate. Like sometimes I get a response and sometimes I don't. Ever. "

    This happened prior to 7.7 beta and worked with 7.7 beta and is back with 7.7 Release Candidate and RC2 and Release.

    I'll confirm it this weekend by installing the release and reinstalling the beta.


    • #17
      Just to be clear, the version you should download is 7.7 Final Release (Build 679, dated 9/27/04). This version contains the best version of the Desktop API that we have to date and based on the reports from chrisjames, JimBecker17 and a few others, almost all of the known defects have been corrected (along with some added functionality).


      • #18

        The problem originally reported with ReportHistory() which was corrected in the beta of around 7/15 is still working correctly in the 7.7 final release. Actually interestingly there were a small percent of stocks which didn't pickup history that appear to now as well.

        I'm doing a lot of stocks, and keep track of them all. It's working.



        • #19
          Jim, it is working for you. Good.

          It is not working for me.

          Just today, over a third of the symbols of the SP100 just sat there over the night. (After reading your remark I was hoping that my run was just a fluke, ...)


          • #20
            I use the combo of both handling the messages eSignal sends me and also using the polling call GetIsHistoryReady().

            Most of the time seems messages come in, but in a timer I'm also checking occasionally. Perhaps that is the secret sauce you need to keep your collection going.

            You can get it if you really try, try and try... (Jimi Cliff?)



            • #21
              Try to re-reference the IEsignal Hooks COM object in your project before re-compiling.


              • #22
                Thanks Jim, Robi

                Jim will try that; I have been trying to keep the code base as close to what I use to trade. I do something similar to mine 3 minute quotes for about 8000+ symbols from various free sources (not real time), have been doing it for 3 years. I was annoyed that the API would choke on 1/100th the number of symbols than a free one I implemented. Given that Esignal is trying, I guess my expectations were unrealisatic. Once again thanks.

                Robi I deleted all the dlls and recompiled and it didnt' make a difference. I'll try what you suggested sometimes next week.


                • #23
                  Well, there is a difference between streaming and snapshot of symbols. Streaming is limited to around 200 or so symbols, especially on the heavily traded ones, whereas when dealing with intervals, you can easily obtain 1000s of quotes by iterating through a list.

