Hello all;
I have written a C# application that uses the ActiveX component. All it does is subscribe to a set of stock symbols and respond to their quote change events. We had subscribed to 100 symbols and that worked pretty well.
We just signed up for a 1,000 symbol account limit. Trouble is, when we increase the symbol count to around 500, E-Signal locks up like a drum.
I can provide a sample application to an E-Signal support staff if that helps. This is a critical issue for us.
HELP!!! Like I mentioned, 100 symbols works fine. 500 (boom)
I am requesting the symbols as follows:
m_oHookClass.RequestSymbol(symbol, 0);
I am registering an event handler as follows:
m_oHookClass.OnQuoteChanged += new _IHooksEvents_OnQuoteChangedEventHandler(OnQuoteCh angedEventHandler);
On a somewhat related problem/issue, It would be so nice if the quote actually came back with open/close and volume in it. I am forced to also register for history with the following call:
iHistoryHandle = m_oHookClass.get_RequestHistory(symbol,"D", IESignal.barType.btDAYS,1,-1,-1);
and then get the data from the following callbacks:
m_oHookClass.OnBarsReceived += new _IHooksEvents_OnBarsReceivedEventHandler(OnBarsRec eivedHandler);
m_oHookClass.OnBarsChanged += new _IHooksEvents_OnBarsChangedEventHandler(OnBarsRece ivedHandler);
I can be reached by e-mail: [email protected]
Office phone: 650-230-4099
Cell: 650-333-1267
Thank you in advance.
Tim Beauchamp
Sr. Software Developer
Istante Software (formally Iteration Software)
I have written a C# application that uses the ActiveX component. All it does is subscribe to a set of stock symbols and respond to their quote change events. We had subscribed to 100 symbols and that worked pretty well.
We just signed up for a 1,000 symbol account limit. Trouble is, when we increase the symbol count to around 500, E-Signal locks up like a drum.
I can provide a sample application to an E-Signal support staff if that helps. This is a critical issue for us.
HELP!!! Like I mentioned, 100 symbols works fine. 500 (boom)
I am requesting the symbols as follows:
m_oHookClass.RequestSymbol(symbol, 0);
I am registering an event handler as follows:
m_oHookClass.OnQuoteChanged += new _IHooksEvents_OnQuoteChangedEventHandler(OnQuoteCh angedEventHandler);
On a somewhat related problem/issue, It would be so nice if the quote actually came back with open/close and volume in it. I am forced to also register for history with the following call:
iHistoryHandle = m_oHookClass.get_RequestHistory(symbol,"D", IESignal.barType.btDAYS,1,-1,-1);
and then get the data from the following callbacks:
m_oHookClass.OnBarsReceived += new _IHooksEvents_OnBarsReceivedEventHandler(OnBarsRec eivedHandler);
m_oHookClass.OnBarsChanged += new _IHooksEvents_OnBarsChangedEventHandler(OnBarsRece ivedHandler);
I can be reached by e-mail: [email protected]
Office phone: 650-230-4099
Cell: 650-333-1267
Thank you in advance.
Tim Beauchamp
Sr. Software Developer
Istante Software (formally Iteration Software)