Been getting some funny results so I decided to do a side by side compairson on $PLAYBACK. Below are two charts with the exact
same study applied. One is applied to the chart DIRECTLY and the other is applied by using efsExternal inside of
(etBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR from another bare test study. I did this bare and quickly just to see. if I could find out what was going on.
So the applied study on the right s just an exact copy with setSomputeonClose. The study on the right plots DIFFERENTLY? Shouldn't they
be the same. Isn't computeonclose the same thing as telling your efs to only run on BARSTATE_NEWBAR? If no, is there any way to
fix them so they do plot the same. They both should be plotting on candle closes/newbars. things that make you go Hmmmmmm