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Nested reloadEFS msg

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  • Nested reloadEFS msg

    I have recently upgraded from 10.2 to 10.6 and my backtesting scripts now fail with the "Nested reloadEFS call has been ignored" error message. What has changed with the later version to prevent me having nested reloadEFS statements and is there a way to code around them?

    I believe I have set everything up correctly (as it worked fine in 10.2), to prevent a continuous loop, through the use of a global variable counter that gets incremented before each reloadEFS and is compared to a maximum iteration variable. When the maximum is hit the script terminates.

    I have attached a version of the code that just contains the iterative part and excludes the main body that calculates trades and profits to simplify matters.

  • #2
    Attached code
    Attached Files


    • #3

      I tried to execute in 10.6 all if-branches calling reloadEFS() in attached script, but I cannot reproduce fail with the "Nested reloadEFS call has been ignored" error message. Script behavior in 10.6 is similar to 10.2

      Could you clarify, is there some special parameters, symbols, interval or their combinations calling this error?


      • #4

        I have been running this backtest against symbol QLD with 10 min interval.

        To force the code into the reloadEFS loops you need to set ATR Length Max to say 40 and Max Iterations Allowed to say 5. The backtest should then run for ATR = 36 then 37, 38, 39 and 40.

        If you leave the min and max the same and Max Iterations Allowed to 1 then there will only be one run through and the error message will not trigger.

        Hope this helps.

