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Build an Alert that can be applied to a set

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  • Build an Alert that can be applied to a set

    I am new to esignal and have been playing around with the wizard a bit and still cannot quite figure out how to get it to do what I want. Basically, I want to build an alarm, that notifies only once(!) per bar (but re-armed for every new bar), if that bar breaks the high of the last bar. IE, if applied to a fifteen minute chart, if the current 15m breaks the last 15m high, the alarm buzzes and then is quiet for the duration of the current bar-- no matter how many more prices in this current bar are higher. As soon as a new 15m bar starts I want the alarm to be reset to notify if that 15m bar breaks last high. Once I have the alert built I want to apply it to an entire portfolio, or set of stocks.

    The areas I am having trouble with as I try to build this myself: (1) The alarm goes off over and over (and not once per 15m bar); (2) I can set this on a chart to alert if the current active symbol has the condition, but I need to apply it to an entire list (or portfolio) of stocks at once-- to go off even if the symbol is not in any chart window when the condition is met.

    Please help! I am so frustrated and I am hoping this is relatively simple! Thanks in advance-- moko.

  • #2

    The good news is that this can be done in EFS (eSignal Formula Script). The bad news is that this can only be done on a chart, so you would need a chart running for each symbol that you wanted to track with this alert system.

    Please reply to this thread whether or not you would still like this study created.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3

      Thanks for the fast reply! I would still love to know how to build this particular alarm, even if I can not apply it to a set / portfolio. I can use it with individual chart windows if that is what I need to do.

      But, this raises a second question: If one wanted a simple alarm-- say buzz if "any x" stock in set {y} hits a new HOD or LOD-- can one develop this to apply all at once to a list? In other words, is it possible at all (and if so, how) to apply a set of simple alarm conditions to a group of stocks. If not, can one make alarm prefs files and select these to quickly-- even if individually-- set alerts for a whole list? (My hand is tired from entering the high/low price, incremental change / value / realarm, and .wav selection) for a new watch list of 75-100 stocks each day!)

      Thanks for helping. There are a lot of adjustments to be made and new things to learn in switching from Erlanger/Qcharts to Esignal! --Moko


      • #4

        I think before we get into learning EFS, I suggest looking at Trade-Ideas' product line. Their long list of different alert types is quite impressive, and from what I've seen their ease of use and compatibility with eSignal is a great benefit. Here's some info on the different alerts they carry.

        And some more information on the eSignal integration...

        Below (and attached) is a EFS script that will do the alert you originally asked for, and contains some helpful comments to learn what the script is doing.

        PHP Code:
        Copyright © eSignal, 2003

        // Global variables
        var vLastAlert null;
        vAlertHitThisBar false;

        preMain() {
        setShowCursorLabel(false);              // Turns off Cursor Label
        setStudyTitle("Higher High Alerts");    // Sets name of study
        setPriceStudy(true);                    // Puts the "study" in the price pane
                                                       // instead of creating a study pane for it

        main() {

        vPrevHigh high(-1);               // Gets the value of the previous high
        if (vPrevHigh == null) return;          // If Previous High doesn't exist then exit
        var vLast close();                    // Gets current price
        if (vLast == null) return;              // If current price doesn't exist then exit
        vBarState getBarState();              // Gets the state of the current bar
        if (vBarState != BARSTATE_ALLBARS) {    // If chart isn't still loading...
                // Check to see if a new bar has been created
        if (vBarState == BARSTATE_NEWBARvAlertHitThisBar false;
        // Alert Condition -- If current price is greater then prev. high and no alert this bar...
        if (vLast vPrevHigh && vAlertHitThisBar == false) {
        Alert.playSound("buzz.wav");    // This is the actual buzzer
        vAlertHitThisBar true;

        Attached Files
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Hello JayF,

          This script would be absolutely ideal for my needs if it would alert the highest high of the day is reached. Can it be done?




          • #6
            You might want to go with the Global Alert feature in eSignal. This will automatically alert you when any symbol being tracked by eSignal hits its daily high.

            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7

              Now why didn't I think of that.



