I'm new to eS (convert from another charting package) and am trying to replicate the personal custom studies I created in the previous package. I've looked through Formula wizard manual, many posts and a lot of the info online, but I still haven't figured out how to use the wizard.
I'm looking for a way to do what I want without having to manually code the study - I really don't want to have to learn Java, even if it is simple...
I'm trying to do a custom version of % Bollinger Band as follows
High %BB = (high - sma)/(upper BB - sma)
Low % BB = (low - sma)/(lower BB - sma)
I want to plot this as a non-price study with two lines in a single pane
I can't seem to find out how to access the generic functions (high, sma etc) or upper/lower BB. Also, when I try to build the formula syntax by inserting built-in studies in the Edit line, it overwrites the functions I've already inserted
Questions -
Is there a way to construct custom formulas by calling data series and performing calculations on them without doing code?
Is there a way to prevent the editor from overwriting text that's already written?
What am I missing? The previous package had an editor where you would insert a function, supply the variables, specify the calculation to perform and voila - study complete.
I know there's a way... Please help!
I'm new to eS (convert from another charting package) and am trying to replicate the personal custom studies I created in the previous package. I've looked through Formula wizard manual, many posts and a lot of the info online, but I still haven't figured out how to use the wizard.
I'm looking for a way to do what I want without having to manually code the study - I really don't want to have to learn Java, even if it is simple...
I'm trying to do a custom version of % Bollinger Band as follows
High %BB = (high - sma)/(upper BB - sma)
Low % BB = (low - sma)/(lower BB - sma)
I want to plot this as a non-price study with two lines in a single pane
I can't seem to find out how to access the generic functions (high, sma etc) or upper/lower BB. Also, when I try to build the formula syntax by inserting built-in studies in the Edit line, it overwrites the functions I've already inserted
Questions -
Is there a way to construct custom formulas by calling data series and performing calculations on them without doing code?
Is there a way to prevent the editor from overwriting text that's already written?
What am I missing? The previous package had an editor where you would insert a function, supply the variables, specify the calculation to perform and voila - study complete.
I know there's a way... Please help!