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Newbie formula wizard questions

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  • Newbie formula wizard questions


    I'm new to eS (convert from another charting package) and am trying to replicate the personal custom studies I created in the previous package. I've looked through Formula wizard manual, many posts and a lot of the info online, but I still haven't figured out how to use the wizard.

    I'm looking for a way to do what I want without having to manually code the study - I really don't want to have to learn Java, even if it is simple...

    I'm trying to do a custom version of % Bollinger Band as follows

    High %BB = (high - sma)/(upper BB - sma)
    Low % BB = (low - sma)/(lower BB - sma)

    I want to plot this as a non-price study with two lines in a single pane

    I can't seem to find out how to access the generic functions (high, sma etc) or upper/lower BB. Also, when I try to build the formula syntax by inserting built-in studies in the Edit line, it overwrites the functions I've already inserted

    Questions -
    Is there a way to construct custom formulas by calling data series and performing calculations on them without doing code?

    Is there a way to prevent the editor from overwriting text that's already written?

    What am I missing? The previous package had an editor where you would insert a function, supply the variables, specify the calculation to perform and voila - study complete.

    I know there's a way... Please help!



  • #2

    I believe, the attached should do what you are looking for. Any of the parameters can be edited by opening the file in the Formula Wizard.

    Questions -
    Is there a way to construct custom formulas by calling data series and performing calculations on them without doing code?

    Yes, there is. Use the Edit button in the Returned Data Points area to grab a value from a built in study. The studies included in the Studies Used section will be referenced at the top of the Function Editor window.

    Is there a way to prevent the editor from overwriting text that's already written?

    This looks like a bug. I'll report that to our QA group to look at further.

    What am I missing? The previous package had an editor where you would insert a function, supply the variables, specify the calculation to perform and voila - study complete.

    You can do similar things in the Formula Wizard, although I admit it is not yet as elegant as other packages in this regard. We plan on improving this dramatically in eSignal 8.0 due out near the end of this year.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Forgot the attachment... Please see this.
      Attached Files
      Jay F.
      Product Manager
      Have a suggestion to improve our products?
      Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

