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2004 Jun: VolumeCurtailment.efs

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  • 2004 Jun: VolumeCurtailment.efs

    The VFI study that you wrote does not appear to plot what one would expect based upon a comparison of the study you wrote applied to a weekly chart of GLW and Figure 2 from Markos Katsanos' article.
    Shouldn't the attached file look similar?

  • #2
    Hello gstein,

    One factor that could account for this is the data set. In order to get an exact match both the data set from the eSignal chart and the article image must be the same. I have to admit I wasn't able to reproduce an exact match myself. Either the data set from the article image doesn't match the start date listed in the table or there's something being miscalculated in the formula. It's coded correctly to the best of my knowledge.
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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    • #3
      I am not a EFS programmer but I was able to duplicate exactly Figure 2 from the article as evidenced by the attached JPG using TradeStation's EasyLanguage.
      I don't know if it would be any help but I can e-mail you the EasyLanguage ELS file if you would like.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hello Gregory,

        Please post your ELS code to this thread.
        Jason K.
        Project Manager
        eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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        • #5
          Here is the EasyLanguage code that you requested. There is a function that is called by both indicators.
          Let me know if you get the EFS code to work.

          VFISmooth Function
          Coef( NumericSimple ),
          VCoef( NumericSimple ),
          Period( NumericSimple ),
          SmoothedPeriod( NumericSimple ),
          MyVolume( NumericRef ),
          CutOff( NumericRef ),
          VC( NumericRef ),
          MF( NumericRef ),
          VFI( NumericRef ) ;

          MyTypicalPrice( 0 ),
          Inter( 0 ),
          VInter( 0 ),
          VAve( 0 ),
          MyVolAvg( 0 ),
          VMax( 0 ),
          DirectionalVolume( 0 ) ;

          MyTypicalPrice = TypicalPrice ;
          MyVolAvg = Average( MyVolume, Period ) ;
          MF = MyTypicalPrice - MyTypicalPrice[1] ;

          if MyTypicalPrice > 0 and MyTypicalPrice[1] > 0 then
          Inter = Log( MyTypicalPrice ) - Log( MyTypicalPrice[1] ) ;
          VInter = StdDev( Inter, 30 ) ;
          CutOff = Coef * VInter * Close ;
          VAve = MyVolAvg[1] ;
          VMax = VAve * VCoef ;
          VC = Iff( MyVolume < VMax , MyVolume, VMax ) ;
          DirectionalVolume = Iff( MF > CutOff, VC, Iff( MF <
          -CutOff, -VC, 0 ) ) ;
          VFI = IFF(Summation( DirectionalVolume, Period ) = 0, 0, Summation( DirectionalVolume, Period ) /
          VAve) ;
          VFISmooth = XAverage( VFI, SmoothedPeriod ) ;
          VFISmooth = 0 ;

          VFISmoothed Indicator
          Coef( 0.2 ), VCoef( 2.5 ), Period( 130 ), SmoothedPeriod( 3 ), EMAPeriod(7) ;

          oCutOff( 0 ),
          oVC( 0 ),
          oMF( 0 ),
          oVFI( 0 ),
          MyVFI( 0 ),
          MyVolume( 0 ),
          MyEMA( 0 );

          MyVolume = Iff( BarType < 2, Ticks, AbsValue(Volume) ) ;
          MyVFI = VFISmooth( Coef, VCoef, Period, SmoothedPeriod, MyVolume, oCutOff, oVC, oMF, oVFI ) ;
          MyEMA = XAverage(MyVFI, EMAPeriod) ;

          Plot1( MyVFI, "VFI" ) ;
          Plot2( MyEMA, "EMA");
          Plot3( 0, "0" ) ;
          {Plot4(XAverage(MyVFI,20), "FastEMA");}

          if MyEMA > 0 then
          SetPlotColor( 2, DarkGreen )
          SetPlotColor( 2, Red ) ;

          VFI Volume Indicator
          Coef( 0.2 ),
          VCoef( 2.5 ),
          Period( 130 ),
          SmoothedPeriod( 3 ),

          oCutOff( 0 ),
          oVC( 0 ),
          oMF( 0 ),
          oVFI( 0 ),
          MyVFI( 0 ),
          MyVolume( 0 ),
          MyEMA( 0 );

          MyVolume = Iff( BarType < 2, Ticks, AbsValue(Volume) ) ;
          MyVFI = VFISmooth( Coef, VCoef, Period, SmoothedPeriod, MyVolume, oCutOff, oVC, oMF, oVFI ) ;
          MyEMA = Average(oVC, EMAPeriod);

          Plot1( oVC, "VFIVol" ) ;
          Plot2( MyEMA, "EMA" ) ;

          if oMF > oCutOff then
          SetPlotColor( 1, DarkGreen )
          else if oMF < -oCutOff then
          SetPlotColor( 1, Red )
          SetPlotColor( 1, LightGray)


          • #6
            cant seem to get this code to save right in a efs file. can anyone crunch it for me so I can download it? thanks so much.

            Vince B


            • #7
              Hello Bubby,

              Try this link.

              In regards to your PM, you could search for "momentum" on my user name, which will help filter the number of results for you to search through.
              Jason K.
              Project Manager
              eSignal - an Interactive Data company

              EFS KnowledgeBase
              JavaScript for EFS Video Series
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              • #8
                actually...what i was hoping to get was what gregory posted below with that oscillator and arrows. is that one possible to duplicate or is it a different set of tools all together?
                Last edited by Bubby; 03-01-2005, 02:09 PM.


                • #9
                  yea what I was actually looking for was a possible efs coded version of the VFI smoothed indicator. Any help?


                  • #10
                    Hello Bubby,

                    That code you are referring to is not EFS. That code would have to be manually translated into EFS code. You might try contacting one of our EFS Consultants for assistance if no one posts an EFS converted version for you here.
                    Jason K.
                    Project Manager
                    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

                    EFS KnowledgeBase
                    JavaScript for EFS Video Series
                    EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
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