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  • MACDx-over.efs

    Jason, for this study, would it be possible to meld this with the slope defined color histogram MACD version? as in a downtrending slope would be colored red and an uptrending MACD histogram would be colored lime?

    As well as a strategy long/short paint study in conjunction with the up/down arrows?


  • #2
    Hello JT47319,

    Here it is.

    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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    • #3
      How can this formula be used in advanced charting. I'd like to set it up to test. I am not using GET so wonder if this formula can even be set up. Thanks


      • #4

        I'm unsure if you are referring to the original MACDx-over.efs or the second version, but both can be used on an Advanced Chart. Simply click the link embedded in the post, and save the file to the /eSignal/Formulas/ folder or sub-folder. Then on your Advanced Chart, right-click, select Formulas and navigate to the saved file.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Moving Average

          Thanks for the info Jay. Another do I get the study to overlay on my chart. I didn't want it as a individual study but wanted the moving averages to be on the price bars. Any way to do that?


          • #6
            At this point, there is no easy way to incorporate a MACD study into a price pane due to the way the Y-axis scaling works. We are working on enhancing eSignal, so that this can be done. Hopefully, this will be in the next version or two.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7

              I'm a new esignal user and have a question related to the macd crossover. Would it be possible to have a vertical line drawn through the whole chart window i.e. through each of the indicator panes and the price pane, for each time there was a crossover so that I could co-ordinate visually the crossovers precisely with all other indicators/trendlines etc that I use? In relation to this example (as shown in the EFS Library) it would have a thin vertical line extending to the price bars at the point where the yellows arrows are currently. Is it as simple as - "if macd line = signal line then draw vertical line on whole window" or something similar?

              Thanks in advance
              Last edited by RobMc; 10-09-2003, 04:41 AM.


              • #8
                Hello RobMc,

                Although that is a great idea, it’s not possible with an EFS formula. Please submit that suggestion to [email protected].
                Jason K.
                Project Manager
                eSignal - an Interactive Data company

                EFS KnowledgeBase
                JavaScript for EFS Video Series
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                • #9

                  Thanks for response.

                  Ok, will do.


                  • #10
                    You may want to look at this thread.
                    As is that code probably needs some work to make it more efficient (if this is possible which I am not sure of) but it could provide you with a solution to what you are trying to do.
                    However it may very well be that it is easier for you to just duplicate the efs you are using and set it as a price study only to generate the signals needed to draw the shapes (ie without returning any data points).
                    Just an idea


                    • #11

                      Thanks for the pointer. As I said, I am a newcomer so will have to take some time to fully digest that thread and its implications. For the moment I have adapted a standard formula to give me arrows on the price pane but will be looking at more elegant solutions once my own knowledge of efs is more sophisticated. Fwiw, the IDEAS brains have kindly indicated that they will have a look at my original idea and, if it is possible, include it in a future update.



                      • #12
                        Arrow color change

                        Originally posted by JasonK
                        Hello JT47319,

                        How can I change the colors for the errows? I looked under 'edit studies' but could not tell how this was done.

                        Here it is.



                        • #13
                          The color of the arrows is defined in Lines 109 and 114 of the efs in the drawShapeRelative() command.
                          It is not set up in this efs to be modified from Edit Studies so you will need to open the efs with the Editor to change it.


                          • #14

                            I was looking for a MACD crossover alert efs that would show the alert in a Triggered Alert List. After typing MACD in the EFS KnowledgeBase search window, I found KB article 1433 with file FWguideMACD.efs, but it seems to be empty. Does anyone have another link to this file?

                            A related question: I like to see both the MACD curves and the histogram together, but if I plot them both in one MACD study, the scale of the curves is often so much greater than the histogram that the histogram is impossible to see. So I overlay a MACD histogram study and a MACD (curves) study, then they have independent x axis and they both fill the window... good. But overlaying studies seems to be cause discontinuities. Anyone have any solutions to this?



                            • #15
                              Hello shaeffer,

                              Thanks for letting us know about the broken link. It has been corrected. For you convenience, here's the link, FWguideMACD.efs.

                              Regarding the MACD, please post some images of the original problem you're seeing from the single MACD study with both the histogram and "curves." Also, please tell us the symbol, interval and MACD parameters you're using.
                              Jason K.
                              Project Manager
                              eSignal - an Interactive Data company

                              EFS KnowledgeBase
                              JavaScript for EFS Video Series
                              EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
                              EFS Glossary
                              Custom EFS Development Policy

                              New User Orientation

