Comment out the following setColorPriceBars(true); in line 30 setDefaultPriceBarColor(Color.grey); in line 31 setPriceBarColor(vColor); in line 118.
To comment out a line insert // at the beginning of that line
Thanks for the help.
One more question about the BBZ.efs. Is there a way to change the sound to alert you today as the crossing of the +1/-1 thresholds of the BBZ series instead of yesterdays crossing?
I get the alert but it is yesterdays crossing of the threshold.
In the efs editor it says show green arrow and play sound wave. (Ding) But it shows the arrow and doesn't play the ding wave until the next day. If possible could you change the long/short exit (train wave) also to alert you of a change for today and not yesterday.
Thanks again...Greg
The formula is set to compute on the close of a bar only ( the first tick of a new bar) and is not intended to run on a tick by tick basis.