File Name: Blau_TSI.efs
This study is based on The True Stength Index by Thom Hartle, which appeared in the January 2002 issue of Active Trader Magazine.
Formula Parameters:
nR: 25 (First EMA period length)
nS: 13 (EMA period length of nR)
The TSI Method outlined in the article was designed by William Blau. The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber of Active Trader Magazine, please visit www.
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EFS Code:
This study is based on The True Stength Index by Thom Hartle, which appeared in the January 2002 issue of Active Trader Magazine.
Formula Parameters:
nR: 25 (First EMA period length)
nS: 13 (EMA period length of nR)
The TSI Method outlined in the article was designed by William Blau. The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber of Active Trader Magazine, please visit www.
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EFS Code:
PHP Code:
Provided By : eSignal (c) Copyright 2004
Description: The True Strength Index (TSI) by William Blau
Based on article from January 2002 issue of Active Trader Magazine.
The True Strength Index by Thom Hartle
function preMain() {
setStudyTitle("Blau TSI");
setCursorLabelName("TSI", 0);
setCursorLabelName("Signal", 1);
setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);
setDefaultBarFgColor(, 1);
addBand(0, PS_SOLID, 1,, "zero");
var aTSI = new Array(7);
var nTSI = 0;
function main(nR, nS) {
if (nR == null) nR = 25;
if (nS == null) nS = 13;
if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR && nTSI != 0 && nTSI != null) {
var nSignal = 0;
nTSI = TSI(nR, nS);
if (nTSI == null) return;
if (aTSI[6] != null) {
vEMA[4] = EMA(7, aTSI, 4, nTSI);
nSignal = vEMA[4];
return new Array(nTSI*100, nSignal*100);
function TSI(nR, nS) {
if (close(-1) == null) return;
nTSI = 0;
var nMtm = close(0) - close(-1);
var nEMAofMtm1 = DXAverage("Value1", nMtm, nR, nS);
if (nEMAofMtm1 == null) return;
var nEMAofMtm2 = DXAverage("Value2", Math.abs(nMtm), nR, nS);
if (nEMAofMtm2 == null) return;
if (nEMAofMtm2 != 0) {
nTSI = nEMAofMtm1 / nEMAofMtm2;
return nTSI;
//Double EMA
var aSource1 = null; // r nMtm
var aSource2 = null; // s Source1
var aSource3 = null; // r |nMtm|
var aSource4 = null; // s Source3
function DXAverage(sSource, nValue, nMA1Length, nMA2Length) {
if (sSource == null || nValue == null || nMA1Length == null || nMA2Length == null) return;
var nDXAverage = null;
var nState = getBarState();
if (aSource1 == null) aSource1 = new Array(nMA1Length);
if (aSource2 == null) aSource2 = new Array(nMA2Length);
if (aSource3 == null) aSource3 = new Array(nMA1Length);
if (aSource4 == null) aSource4 = new Array(nMA2Length);
if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
if (sSource == "Value1") {
if (nValue != null) {
if (vEMA[0] != null) {
if (sSource == "Value2") {
if (nValue != null) {
if (vEMA[2] != null) {
// EMA(nLength, nArray, nNum, nIndicator);
if (sSource == "Value1") {
// EMA of aSource1 r
if (aSource1[nMA1Length-1] == null) return;
vEMA[0] = EMA(nMA1Length, aSource1, 0, nValue);
aSource2[0] = vEMA[0];
// EMA of aSource2 s
if (aSource2[nMA2Length-1] == null) return;
vEMA[1] = EMA(nMA2Length, aSource2, 1, vEMA[0]);
nDXAverage = vEMA[1];
if (sSource =="Value2") {
// EMA of aSource4 r
if (aSource3[nMA1Length-1] == null) return;
vEMA[2] = EMA(nMA1Length, aSource3, 2, nValue);
aSource4[0] = vEMA[2];
// EMA of aSource5 s
if (aSource4[nMA2Length-1] == null) return;
vEMA[3] = EMA(nMA2Length, aSource4, 3, vEMA[2]);
nDXAverage = vEMA[3];
return nDXAverage;
var bPrimed = new Array(5);
bPrimed[0] = false; // r Mtm
bPrimed[1] = false; // s Source1
bPrimed[2] = false; // u |Mtm|
bPrimed[3] = false; // r Source3
bPrimed[4] = false; // 7 aTSI
var dPercent = new Array(5);
var vEMA = new Array(5);
var vEMA1 = new Array(5);
function EMA(nLength, nArray, nNum, nIndicator) {
var nBarState = getBarState();
var dSum = 0.0;
if(nBarState == BARSTATE_ALLBARS || bPrimed[nNum] == false) {
dPercent[nNum] = (2.0 / (nLength + 1.0));
bPrimed[nNum] = false;
if (nBarState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
vEMA1[nNum] = vEMA[nNum];
if(bPrimed[nNum] == false) {
for(i = 0; i < nLength; i++) {
dSum += nArray[i];
bPrimed[nNum] = true;
return (dSum / nLength);
} else {
return (((nIndicator - vEMA1[nNum]) * dPercent[nNum]) + vEMA1[nNum]);