Hello Steve,
Just take one element at a time used in the if statement and pass it to the the debugPrintln() function like below. You could also build a string and do them all at once if you want.
debugPrintln(retArray1[3] + " " + retArray1[2]);
This should be before the if statement. If you put this inside the if statement, it will not get called in the same manner that your alerts aren't getting called. You could put it after the end of the if statement, but it's a good habit to put it before to ensure that it comes first in the order of process.
One other thing I like to do with debugPrintln() is to add the current bar index so when I'm looking at the results in the formula output window I'll know what results are occurring on each bar. That sometimes help points out the problems.
debugPrintln(getCurrentBarIndex() + " " + retArray1[3]);
Just take one element at a time used in the if statement and pass it to the the debugPrintln() function like below. You could also build a string and do them all at once if you want.
debugPrintln(retArray1[3] + " " + retArray1[2]);
This should be before the if statement. If you put this inside the if statement, it will not get called in the same manner that your alerts aren't getting called. You could put it after the end of the if statement, but it's a good habit to put it before to ensure that it comes first in the order of process.
One other thing I like to do with debugPrintln() is to add the current bar index so when I'm looking at the results in the formula output window I'll know what results are occurring on each bar. That sometimes help points out the problems.
debugPrintln(getCurrentBarIndex() + " " + retArray1[3]);