Could you also program VAMA - Volume Adjusted Moving Average created by Arms.
How do we calculate a VAMA ???
The VAMA is calculated with each day given weight according to the volume traded, compared to the equal weighting in a Simple MA.
The weighting is normally calculated in increments of 10,000 shares. So 17,500 would have a weighting of 1 and 31,200 would have a weighting of 3.
For a detailed explanation see "Trading without Fear" by Richard Arms jr.
How do we calculate a VAMA ???
The VAMA is calculated with each day given weight according to the volume traded, compared to the equal weighting in a Simple MA.
The weighting is normally calculated in increments of 10,000 shares. So 17,500 would have a weighting of 1 and 31,200 would have a weighting of 3.
For a detailed explanation see "Trading without Fear" by Richard Arms jr.