See Example 1 in this article on getFirstBarIndexOfDay() in the EFS KnowledgeBase.
To retrieve the Close replace "Open" used in the example with "Close"
i can try to adapt this formula at my idea but the software sign me an error formula, i have deleta low and high indicator becouse i'm interested only at the close price
tnx a lot
The example in the EFS KnowledgeBase that I suggested to you in my prior reply will accomplish the same thing.
If however you still want to modify the script you posted remove or comment out the following lines v30minHigh = Math.max(high(), v30minHigh);
v30minLow = Math.min(low(), v30minLow);
and then all instances of drawLineRelative() and drawTextRelative() that use v30minHigh or v30minLow in the parameters.