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how add another MA

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  • how add another MA

    I am trying to add another moving average to this rsi indicator but it doesnt want to plot it. any suggestions . The first is the original and the 2nd is the one i am trying to modify.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    add a MA

    here is the one i am trying to modify. I am trying to add a 15period MA
    Attached Files


    • #3
      To add another moving average you need to first declare the study as a global variable (ie outside of function main) and set it to null. You could call the study vMA2ofRSI for example.
      Then in main you create the study right after the existing one as shown in the following image

      In the return statement (or in any conditions) you will then use vMA2ofRSI.getValue(MAStudy.MA) to access the value of the study.
      To add user defined parameters for the study use the existing FunctionParameters as examples.


      • #4
        i added and it still wont plot line . Any way you could do formula so i can compare what i am doing wrong. I attached amended efs .
        Attached Files


        • #5
          You have a couple of errors in the efs. The first one is that you added a space in MAStudy. SIMPLE which should be MAStudy.SIMPLE (see the example in my prior message)

          The second error is in the return statement where you are not retrieving the value of the study you created (see image below)


          • #6
            Anyone out there make formulas on the side? I have spent nearly 2 days trying to add on a stupid MA . I would rather pay someone to do this so i can make money trading. I thought this efs2 was suppose to be easier . I guess it must be my thick head. If anyone want to make a few bucks making this and some other formulas pm me .i can pay by paypal.



            • #7
              Hello watchdaride,

              If you do not receive a response, you may contact one or our EFS Consultants directly.
              Jason K.
              Project Manager
              eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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              • #8
                Yes i did they wanted to charge $250 and a 3 week waitng period. they said efs is very time consuming and complicated.


                • #9
                  Actually EFS2 is easier to code but you are not using any EFS2 logic in your script.
                  Here is a basic version of your formula using EFS2 functions

                  PHP Code:
                  function main(){

                      return new Array (


                  • #10
                    I can make one like that in the wizard . The one i want is a bit more to it( color, histogram) . I appreciate the help Alex

