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Charting upticks/downticks

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  • Charting upticks/downticks


    I wonder if there is any EFS that charts about the same thing as the indicator in the enclosed picture (which is a Tradestation indicator written by - I think - the guys at

    The indicator shows the volume of the bar and it shows total upticks in green, downticks in red - and the larger of the two always shows on top. This seems like a pretty interesting way to chart volume on intraday charts for eminis etc. The midpoint of the total is shown by a white dot.

    (The yellow line is a moving average for the volume by the way).

    Do you know if there is a similar EFS for Esignal? If not - would it be possible for you to create one?

    Attached Files

  • #2
    it depends..

    where did you find this indicator? Who's got it now??

    Why don't you just buy their service/indicator?

    If you did want to re-create it, one could not guarantee compatibility or accuracy compared to the example you provided (but it would probably be very close).

    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      Hi Doji

      The chart in the prior post is from" trade the markets" wesbiste, they offer it for tradestaion but not for esignal so there is no way to get it from them. The bid vol raw volume efs is close but theirs is a bit differnt, it would be great to have the same EFS the way shown in the chart, theirs is just a bit of a differnt way to look at the vol.



      • #4
        Yeah Esignal has it. It's called "Bid/ask volume" Here's the code:

        /************************************************** ***************
        Provided By : eSignal. (c) Copyright 2003
        ************************************************** ***************/

        function preMain() {
        setStudyTitle("Bid\/Ask Volume");
        setCursorLabelName("Ask Vol", 0);
        setCursorLabelName("Inside Vol", 1);
        setCursorLabelName("Bid Vol", 2);
        setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);
        setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.grey, 1);
        setDefaultBarFgColor(, 2);
        setDefaultBarThickness(8, 0);
        setDefaultBarThickness(6, 1);
        setDefaultBarThickness(4, 2);
        setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 0);
        setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 1);
        setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 2);

        var nBidVol = 0;
        var nInsideVol = 0;
        var nAskVol = 0;
        var vVol = null;
        var bPrimed = false;

        function main() {
        if (getCurrentBarIndex() < 0) return;

        var nState = getBarState(); if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
        nBidVol = 0;
        nInsideVol = 0;
        nAskVol = 0;
        vVol = 0;
        var vPrevVol = null;
        if (vVol != null && bPrimed == true) vPrevVol = vVol;
        var nAsk = getMostRecentAsk();
        var nBid = getMostRecentBid();
        var vClose = close();
        vVol = volume();
        var vTradeVol = vVol - vPrevVol;
        if (bPrimed == false && vVol != null) {
        bPrimed = true;
        } else {
        if (vClose <= nBid) {
        nBidVol += vTradeVol;
        } else if (vClose >= nAsk) {
        nAskVol += vTradeVol;
        } else {
        nInsideVol += vTradeVol;
        return new Array(nAskVol, nInsideVol, nBidVol);


        • #5
          Hi Ideaman,

          I am getting a syntax error when trying your code.



          • #6
            Dr Zoom
            What does the syntax error messsage say? This information may be of help to others to identify the problem


            • #7
              Here's another recopy:

              Here's another copy:

              Provided By : eSignal. (c) Copyright 2003
              ************************************************** ***************/

              function preMain() {
              setStudyTitle("Bid\/Ask Volume");
              setCursorLabelName("Ask Vol", 0);
              setCursorLabelName("Inside Vol", 1);
              setCursorLabelName("Bid Vol", 2);
              setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);
              setDefaultBarFgColor(, 1);
              setDefaultBarFgColor(, 2);
              setDefaultBarThickness(8, 0);
              setDefaultBarThickness(6, 1);
              setDefaultBarThickness(4, 2);
              setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 0);
              setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 1);
              setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 2);

              var nBidVol = 0;
              var nInsideVol = 0;
              var nAskVol = 0;
              var vVol = null;
              var bPrimed = false;

              function main() {
              if (getCurrentBarIndex() < 0) return;

              var nState = getBarState(); if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
              nBidVol = 0;
              nInsideVol = 0;
              nAskVol = 0;
              vVol = 0;
              var vPrevVol = null;
              if (vVol != null && bPrimed == true) vPrevVol = vVol;
              var nAsk = getMostRecentAsk();
              var nBid = getMostRecentBid();
              var vClose = close();
              vVol = volume();
              var vTradeVol = vVol - vPrevVol;
              if (bPrimed == false && vVol != null) {
              bPrimed = true;
              } else {
              if (vClose <= nBid) {
              nBidVol += vTradeVol;
              } else if (vClose >= nAsk) {
              nAskVol += vTradeVol;
              } else {
              nInsideVol += vTradeVol;
              return new Array(nAskVol, nInsideVol, nBidVol);

