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Price Bars

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  • Price Bars

    Is it possible to set my price bars on Esignal with Green for Up bars and Red for down bars with 4 specific rules.

    Price Bars are Green when the current close of a price bar is above the Previous Close.

    Price Bars are Red when the Current Close of a price bar is Below the Previous Close.

    If The Previous Price Bar is Green, when the Current Price bar's close is equal to the previous price bar close I want the current price bar to be green.

    If the Previous Price Bar is Red when the Current Price Bar's close is equal to the previous price bar close I want the current price bar to be red.

    Here is a link with a perfect example only the bars that I want Green are black on this site and the other bars are red which is fine but the concept it what Im looking for.

    The Dow Jones or S&P on the homepage below.

    I do not want the current price bar's color changing referencing the current close to the current open of the same price bar I always want the current close referenced and to turn color accordingly to the previous price bar close in any time frame.
    Last edited by vintageus1; 08-12-2006, 08:28 PM.

  • #2
    The enclosed script - which includes step by step explanations of the logic used - should do what you asked.
    As you can see in the image the bars which have a Close equal to the prior Close maintain the prior bar's color.

    PHP Code:
    function preMain(){
    setStudyTitle("Color PriceBars");

    Color0;//variable to store current color and assign intial color
    var Color1;//variable to store prior bar color and assign intial color

    function main(){

    getBarState()==BARSTATE_NEWBAR){//at every new bar
    Color1 Color0;//assign to the variable Color1 the last calculated value of Color0
    close(0) > close(-1)){//if Close greater than prior Close
    Color0;//assign to the variable Color0 the color green
    close(0) < close(-1)){//if Close is lesser than prior Close
    Color0;//assign to the variable Color0 the color red
    close(0) == close(-1)){//if Close is equal to prior Close
    if(Color1 =={//if color at prior bar was green 
    Color0;//assign to the variable Color0 the color green
    Color1 =={//if color at prior bar was red 
    Color0;//assign to the variable Color0 the color red
    setPriceBarColor(Color0);//paint bar using the variable Color0

