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is the following charting possible with standard esignal charting software?

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  • is the following charting possible with standard esignal charting software?


    because i am using tradestation 2ki and have heavy problems i want to use esignal as my charting software.

    but before i make a final decision i have to know two things and i hope i will get the answers here:

    1. can it draw a higher time period indicator on a lower time period?
    lets say a moving average of the weekly chart on the daily chart?

    2. can it draw an indicator on and for the next bar which hasnt already formed?
    for example: i have a ma of the last three bars and i want to know where this ma is forming for the next bar although the next hourly bar will first form in 12mins.
    it is clear that i need for the ma of the next bar the current bar and the last current two bars. and that this ma fpr the next bar will shifting around, dependind on what happens on the current bar.

    btw: is there any way to display only HLC bars?
    Last edited by G.Galilei; 11-23-2006, 07:48 AM.

  • #2
    1. Yes it is possible to calculate studies based on a time frame and/or symbol that is different from the one in the chart.
    2. I am not sure I understand what you are asking.
    If you are asking if an efs can plot a study where no bars are plotted then no an efs cannot do that. However it can draw lines in those cases to replicate a plot. There are various examples of how to do this posted in these forums.
    If instead you are asking if a study can compute a study without having to wait for a bar to be completely formed then yes an efs can do that (ie calculate a study tick by tick)


    • #3

      what im looking for is a feature in tradestation. for a better illustration i have added the following screenshot.

      in tradestation ur able to move an indicator to the left or right, no matter from which bars it is calculated.

      i think it could be more a limitation of the charting software than an efs problem. but u know for sure more than i.

      best regards
      Attached Files
      Last edited by G.Galilei; 11-24-2006, 10:41 AM.


      • #4
        It is possible to offset (ie displace) a plot forwards or backwards in efs. However an efs will not currently plot where there are no price bars (such as for example to the right of the most current bar) even though it will still calculate the values. You can use draw functions such as drawLineRelative() to replicate the plot.


        • #5

          the drawingRelative function works so far...

          but however, i have now other problems/ questions:

          1. the most important issue is my performance problem. maybe u can see these gray and olive-green colored vertical lines on each bar. to calculate them like u see above, it costs my system a lot of performance and this isnt usefully.

          i use for the gray lines the following formular:

          function preMain() {

          setCursorLabelName("1-1lowzone", 0);
          setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);

          function main() {

          var oneonelow_yesterday = (((high(-1)+low(-1)+close(-1))/3)*2-high(-1))
          var oneonelow_yester_yesterday = (((high(-2)+low(-2)+close(-2))/3)*2-high(-2))
          var x = getCurrentBarIndex()
          return drawLineAbsolute(x, oneonelow_yesterday, x, oneonelow_yester_yesterday, PS_SOLID, 3, Color.lightgrey, x)

          it seems to me, that these lines were calculated every time and that causes the peaks. is there a way around that? maybe one can calculate them only once and it will still work fine.

          2. how can i set an indicator in front of a bar and not behind it?

          3. can i build quarterly and yearly charts and how to do so?

          4. can i build a HLC chart?

          best regards
          Last edited by G.Galilei; 12-18-2006, 05:23 AM.


          • #6
            1. The performance issue you are seeing is not necessarily caused by the formula executing on every tick but by the amount of graphic objects in the chart(s) in your case the lines drawn with drawLineXxx(). You may want to limit the graphic objects to a specific number (for example to the last 200 bars).
            Also since your calculations reference previous bars only you can execute them once per bar rather than on every tick.
            Enclosed below is one way you could modify the formula to make it more efficient.
            With regards to points 2, 3 and 4 those options are not available in eSignal at this time. You may want to submit your suggestions by sending and email to [email protected]

            PHP Code:
            function preMain() {

            Counter 0;//global variable

            function main() {

            getBarState()==BARSTATE_NEWBAR){//at every first tick of a new bar
            Counter++;//increment the variable Counter by 1
            if(Counter==200Counter 0;//when Counter is equal to 200 (or other user defined value) reset to 0
            var oneonelow_yesterday = (((high(-1)+low(-1)+close(-1))/3)*2-high(-1));
            oneonelow_yester_yesterday = (((high(-2)+low(-2)+close(-2))/3)*2-high(-2));


            • #7

              thats great alex...

              thank u


              • #8
                You are most welcome

