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EFS Seminar

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  • EFS Seminar

    Once you get past some basic knowledge of how things work in eSignal (e.g., use of high(0) and setComputeOn Close() together), things are fairly straight-forward. There's also a tremendous amount of information available on the web site (although sometimes hard to find).

    Have you ever thought about having an EFS Seminar for those of us who are programming indicators and strategies -- but who aren't programmers in real life? Something like an "advanced" EFS session for users who have strong basic knowledge and programming experience. Maybe Alex and Jason could lead the seminar (2-days) -- somewhere in the Central US?

    Topics: a review of exactly how ticks are processed under various time selects (just to review), using some of the new EFS2 statements, a preview of the upcoming additions, general programming strategies, sharing of information among participants, etc. You probably know all the topics. Focused on programming.

    This would be interesting. Just a thought . . .
    Last edited by AssetHound; 02-04-2007, 09:47 AM.