I am trying to write an EFS Script that calls the Keltner.efs library and compares the upper and lower bands of the Keltner study to the upper and lower bands of a Bollinger study (trying to detect when the Bollingers are within the Keltners). With EFS2 (upperBB() and lowerBB()) it's a breeze to return those values for the Bollingers but I am struggling with the Keltners . Please help.
I am trying to write an EFS Script that calls the Keltner.efs library and compares the upper and lower bands of the Keltner study to the upper and lower bands of a Bollinger study (trying to detect when the Bollingers are within the Keltners). With EFS2 (upperBB() and lowerBB()) it's a breeze to return those values for the Bollingers but I am struggling with the Keltners . Please help.