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Live Bid/Ask (Tick) Line

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  • Live Bid/Ask (Tick) Line

    Does Esignal have the ability to display a horizontal line that follows the live price action of a currency, stock, etc. Also this line should be customizable so that we can turn on either the bid and/or ask line, change the color, the thickness and line type.

    I attached a screen shot from Metatrader. I have also seen the same feature in Inteelichart & Netdania. Neither of which is as adanced as eSignal.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Live Bid/Ask (Tick) Line

    You can plot the real time Bid and Ask as horizontal lines using an efs and the addBand() function together with the getMostRecentBid() and getMost RecentAsk() functions (see the links to the corresponding articles in the EFS KnowledgeBase foir the description and syntax of these functions.
    Enclosed below you can find a sample script that will do that and that will also allow you to change the thickness ond color of the bands (see also this article in the EFS KnowledgeBase on the FunctionParameter Object which allows you to add user defined parameters)

    PHP Code:
    function preMain(){
    fp1 = new FunctionParameter("Color_Bid",FunctionParameter.COLOR);
    fp2 = new FunctionParameter("Thickness_Bid",FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
    fp3 = new FunctionParameter("Color_Ask",FunctionParameter.COLOR);
    fp4 = new FunctionParameter("Thickness_Ask",FunctionParameter.NUMBER);

    xBid getMostRecentBid();
    xAsk getMostRecentAsk();
        return new Array (
    formatPriceNumber(xBid), formatPriceNumber(xAsk));

    Originally posted by WorldWideFx
    Does Esignal have the ability to display a horizontal line that follows the live price action of a currency, stock, etc. Also this line should be customizable so that we can turn on either the bid and/or ask line, change the color, the thickness and line type.

    I attached a screen shot from Metatrader. I have also seen the same feature in Inteelichart & Netdania. Neither of which is as adanced as eSignal.


    • #3
      Thanks a million Alex. As simple as it is it helps a GREAT DEAL. Im surprised Esignal never made it standard feature u can simply trun on or off.

      I have a another problem. That formula does not work for any price action that only computes the 'Last Price' such as $Indu, SP#F or DX. I tried editing the bid ask formula replacing the bid ask values with 'Last' values with no success. Can the current bid ask formula be edited to accomodate the Dow, SP, DX, etc. The formula I received is excellent and I believe it should be a permanent part of the Esignal Program.


      • #4
        You are most welcome

        I tried editing the bid ask formula replacing the bid ask values with 'Last' values with no success.
        "Last" is not a valid function. To do what you want you would need to use either getMostRecentTrade() or just close(0)

        Originally posted by WorldWideFx
        Thanks a million Alex. As simple as it is it helps a GREAT DEAL. Im surprised Esignal never made it standard feature u can simply trun on or off.

        I have a another problem. That formula does not work for any price action that only computes the 'Last Price' such as $Indu, SP#F or DX. I tried editing the bid ask formula replacing the bid ask values with 'Last' values with no success. Can the current bid ask formula be edited to accomodate the Dow, SP, DX, etc. The formula I received is excellent and I believe it should be a permanent part of the Esignal Program.

