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Advance/Decline Market Buster

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  • Advance/Decline Market Buster

    I'm wondering how to create this study on a study from "Street Smarts":
    1. Take a 3-day average of the advance-decline on NYSE (I think it is $ADD).
    2. Plot a 3-period RSI of #1.
    The RSI should have lines at 70 and 30.

    Does this already exist or can someone kindly point me the way to do it?


  • #2
    Re: Advance/Decline Market Buster

    The way to do it is very similar to the one I showed you in this thread.
    The difference is that instead of using the mom() study as the source for the rsi() study you would use the sma() study. Nested in the sma() study you would then use the sym() function so as to base the calculations of the moving average on a specific symbol ($ADD in this case) which can be different from the one being charted.
    For the description and syntax of the sma() moving average function and of the sym() function click the links to the corresponding articles in the EFS KnowledgeBase.
    To accomplish what you want open once again the basicRSI.efs using the Editor and replace the same line of code I indicated in the other thread ie
    return rsi(14);
    with the following
    return rsi(3, sma(3, sym("$ADD")));
    This will calculate a 3 period RSI of the 3 period simple moving average based on the symbol $ADD
    Then save the script with a new name of your choice.
    As you can see other than for the use of different functions the construct is essentially the same as the one shown in the other thread.
    I would again suggest that you also review this thread where you can find a complete set of examples on the syntax used with the built-in studies.
    Also if you are interested in learning how to program in EFS then I would suggest that you begin by reviewing the JavaScript for EFS video series and the Core JavaScript Reference Guide. Those will provide you with a thorough introduction to programming in JavaScript which is at the foundation of EFS. Then go through the EFS KnowledgeBase and study the Help Guides and Tutorials which will provide you with the specifics of EFS.

    Originally posted by kathesig
    I'm wondering how to create this study on a study from "Street Smarts":
    1. Take a 3-day average of the advance-decline on NYSE (I think it is $ADD).
    2. Plot a 3-period RSI of #1.
    The RSI should have lines at 70 and 30.

    Does this already exist or can someone kindly point me the way to do it?



    • #3
      Thanks a lot, Alex!

      guess I need to get sum edyoucation.

      And one more question, if I may.
      Is there a McLellan Oscillator available in existing studies?


      • #4
        You are most welcome
        You can find the McClellan Oscillator here. For your information I found the thread by searching for the keyword mcclellan

        Originally posted by kathesig
        Thanks a lot, Alex!

        guess I need to get sum edyoucation.

        And one more question, if I may.
        Is there a McLellan Oscillator available in existing studies?

