Is it possible to do the Volume by price indicator in eSignal?
I found this example, http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:volu me_by_price
The main focus though would be in intraday charts because plotting this indicator on top of it, you could see the volume by price for each day and then knowning where in the day, the maximum volume was made.
I attached 1 image for you to see what I'm talking about.
Is it possible to do the Volume by price indicator in eSignal?
I found this example, http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:volu me_by_price
The main focus though would be in intraday charts because plotting this indicator on top of it, you could see the volume by price for each day and then knowning where in the day, the maximum volume was made.
I attached 1 image for you to see what I'm talking about.