I was wondering if there are already EFS studies for Allerts to trigger based on Stochastic indicator.

This request came from a client which would like to know he following:

Set allerts based on a stochastic and price diversion. For the alarm to trigger when the value grows and the price dicreses and when value dicreses and the price increases based on %Ks and %D lines.

He also would like to know if the following can be achieved:

To have a create setiings to alarm only when the indicator is >80 and <20;
For the alarm to trigger whenever the %Ks and %D cross over eachother;
Whenever the lines cross is it possible to add to the setting an alarm to trigger only when the indicator is >80 and <20??
How can the alarm be triggered based on different settings of %Ks and %D??

This has been translated into english therefore apologies if it is not too clear.