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Looks lovely but favorite studies don't work

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  • Looks lovely but favorite studies don't work

    Tried v11 when it first came out but tossed it because the studies I use wouldn't run. Just installed 11.5 and still no dice. What kind of things need to be done to make the studies run? I need BollingerEMA.efs and PivotConsole. Thanks.

  • #2
    If you're waiting for support to dig these scripts up and try to run them, you may be waiting for a very long time (if A. Montenegro doesn't feel like chipping in.)

    If you want help from a fellow user, then post the scripts and/or mention what's wrong with them (help *me* to help you).

    I pulled up a 2003 version of BollingerEMA.efs ( in 11.5.2823 in an intraday chart (CL X2=1 150T) and it looks okay.

    I pulled up PivotConsole 2.0.5 ( and it's drawing lines when I turn them on so I guess that's working too.

    [Please don't tell me that you're not pressing the Shift key while your pressing the left mouse button in PivotConsole's button options...that's a well-known thing you have to do in 11.x for mouse buttons to get recognized by scripts.]


    • #3
      Just pulled a fresh bollingerEMA from the library and it's working. I wonder if the first one got corrupted when I had v11.5 port my v10 pages?? So thanks for checking that. PivotConsole however isn't drawing lines on my charts. I see in my script editor it has notes that say it's supposed to be working so I don't know why it's not. Have you any idea what kind of things I should be looking at here? Many thanks Steve.


      • #4
        DR1990, check the time template in V11 is bringing enough data in for the pivot efs to calculate. There are differences in the way data downloaded from eSignal servers which somtimes need to be allowed for when switching from 10.6 to v11.5


        • #5
          Actually this is just me being an idiot, forgetting the default behavior of the study because I've been running a modified one for so long in v10. PivotConsole is behaving normally. Thanks a lot for the helpful replies. Cheers
          Last edited by dr1990; 10-21-2012, 10:44 AM.

