I'm having some concern with regards to the email notification alert when a certain condition is met. I actually grab some sample from eSignal's tutorial and just added the Alert.email function and somehow i'm not getting any email when the condition are triggered. I already configured the necessary information in the Application SEttings > Email and passed the test when I got an email automatically. But when I run the EFS I get no email and playsound does not also work. I've attached my EFS and I might be doing it wrong so please do correct me.
Thanks and regards,
var rsi = new RSIStudy(14); function preMain() { setStudyMin(0); setStudyMax(100); setStudyTitle("RSI Study"); setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.black); setDefaultBarThickness(1); setDefaultBarStyle(PS_DOT); setColorPriceBars(true); setDefaultPriceBarColor(Color.black); } function main() { var v = rsi.getValue(RSIStudy.RSI); if(v == null) return; if(v > 70) { setPriceBarColor(Color.red); Alert.email("Testing", "for test"); Alert.addToList(getSymbol(), "Test symbol", Color.red, Color.green); Alert.playSound("C:\\Users\\eLSoLe\\Documents\\Interactive Data\\Sounds\\warning.wav"); } else if(v < 30) { setPriceBarColor(Color.green); Alert.email("Testing", "for test"); Alert.addToList(getSymbol(), "Test symbol", Color.red, Color.green); Alert.playSound("C:\\Users\\eLSoLe\\Documents\\Interactive Data\\Sounds\\warning.wav"); } return v; }