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More control over reload

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  • More control over reload

    We could use more control over the reload process.

    My personal wish list:

    1) Absolute user control over the order in which all efs file instances within a layout load and run during start up of that layout.

    2) Add optional parameters to the reload function ...

    *** [example - reloadEFS(ACHname, EFSname) ]

    ... to specify the reload of a specific instance of an efs file within a specific chart from any efs file.

    No other efs files should reload.

    3) User invokable "Do Events" functionality during the standard reload process, so that other efs files can process to completion before the current efs file begins its reload.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    I'm not sure if you will have much luck with this, as reloadEFS was added as a favor to me (after repeated complaints) and was supposed to be "a hidden feature" (due to the ability of a user to lock up their system), but it slipped out anyway.

    But I don't make up the development lists - so as always, send your ideas to [email protected]



    • #3

      ??? How could the reload function lock up their servers? Once the data is on my computer, reload gets data from the manager. That's the whole idea behind the manager, isn't it?

      I've done a lot of testing lately, so I know what I'm talking about. I have a utility that lets me see (literally) the data flowing into and out of my computer.

      Anyway, assuming that there is a way for the reload function to gum up the works (user puts reload in a loop that is poorly designed and has no exit, perhaps?) the mods I want could eliminate the kinds of situations that might prompt the user to consider a loop in the first place.

      My testing has shown that putting reload in a loop does no good anyway. No matter how many times you reload a program, no other program can do anything until the current one is done with ALL of them. Control only passes from one program to another when it has completed all processing (including any calls to reload) of bar index 0. Or, if no new ticks are arriving, bar index -1.


      Isn't posting in this thread the functional equivalent of sending a message to "ideas..."?
      Last edited by pflash50; 12-10-2003, 06:03 PM.


      • #4
        I mean for the user to lock up their own system...which if your trading you really, really, really don't want.

        And yes, you can lock both the eSignal application, and if you are really tallented, your system up if your use reloadEFS. I have done it (by mistake...and I knew it was possible and what to watch out for).



        • #5
          On re-read I see where I missed your meaning. I'm still not sure what they're worried about, though.

          Can you really call yourself a programmer if you haven't built at least a couple of infinite (l)oops? Minor embarrassment. Just pull the plug (and hope no one noticed ... :-)

