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Elders SafeZone

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  • Elders SafeZone


    I was just wondering if anybody has written a script for Alexander Elders safezone. If not, has anyone used it successfully in their trading?

    Thank you.


  • #2
    Oh well,

    I guess no one's familiar with Elders SafeZone.




    • #3
      If you post the specs maybe someone can help you.

      Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


      • #4
        Hello Fibgan,

        Below is excerpt taken from Elders book on SafeZone, it also includes the specs

        The SafeZone Stop
        Once in a trade, where should you put your stop? This is one of the
        hardest questions in technical analysis. After answering it, you’ll face
        an even harder one—when and where to move that stop with the passage
        of time. Put a stop too close and it’ll get whacked by some meaningless
        intraday swing. Put it too far, and you’ll have very skimpy
        The Parabolic System, described in Trading for a Living, tried to
        tackle this problem by moving stops closer to the market each day,
        accelerating whenever a stock or a commodity reached a new extreme.
        The trouble with Parabolic was that it kept moving even if the market
        stayed flat and often got hit by meaningless noise.
        The concept of signal and noise states that the trend is the signal and
        the nontrending motion is the noise. A stock or a future may be in an
        uptrend or a downtrend, but the noise of its random chop can obscure
        its signal. Trading at the right edge is hard because the noise level is high.
        I developed SafeZone to trail prices with stops tight enough to protect
        capital but remote enough to keep clear of most random fluctuations.
        Engineers design filters to suppress noise and allow the signal to come
        through. If the trend is the signal, then the countertrend motion is the
        noise. When the trend is up, we can define noise as that part of each
        day’s range that protrudes below the previous day’s low. When the trend
        is down, we can define noise as that part of each day’s range that protrudes
        above the previous day’s high. SafeZone measures market noise
        and places stops at a multiple of noise level away from the market.
        TRADING 173
        We may use the slope of a 22-day EMA to define the trend. You need
        to choose the length of the lookback period for measuring noise level.
        It has to be long enough to track recent behavior but short enough to
        be relevant for current trading. A period of 10 to 20 days works well,
        or we can make our lookback period 100 days or so if we want to average
        long-term market behavior.
        If the trend is up, mark all downside penetrations during the lookback
        period, add their depths, and divide the sum by the number of
        penetrations. This gives you the Average Downside Penetration for the
        selected lookback period. It reflects the average level of noise in the
        current uptrend. Placing your stop any closer would be self-defeating.
        We want to place our stops farther away from the market than the
        average level of noise. Multiply the Average Downside Penetration by
        a coefficient, starting with two, but experiment with higher numbers.
        Subtract the result from yesterday’s low, and place your stop there. If
        today’s low is lower than yesterday’s, do not move your stop lower since
        we are only allowed to raise stops on long positions, not lower them.
        Reverse these rules in downtrends. When a 22-day EMA identifies a
        downtrend, count all the upside penetrations during the lookback
        period and find the Average Upside Penetration. Multiply it by a coefficient,
        starting with two. When you go short, place a stop twice the
        Average Upside Penetration above the previous day’s high. Lower your
        stop whenever the market makes a lower high, but never raise it.
        I anticipate that SafeZone will be programmed into many software
        packages, allowing traders to control both the lookback period and the
        multiplication factor. Until then, you will have to do your own programming
        or else track SafeZone manually (see Table 6.1). Be sure to
        calculate it separately for uptrends and downtrends.
        Here are the rules for calculating SafeZone using an Excel spreadsheet.
        Once you understand how it works, try to program SafeZone
        into your technical analysis software and superimpose its signals on the
        chart. Compare the numbers from the spreadsheet and the trading software.
        They should be identical; otherwise, you have a programming
        error. Comparing results from two software packages helps overcome
        pesky programming problems.

        Rules for Longs in Uptrends When the trend is up, we calculate
        SafeZone on the basis of the lows because their pattern determines
        stop placement.

        Obtain at least a month of data for your stock or future in highlow-
        close format, as shown in Table 6.1 (lows are in column C
        with the first record in row 3).
        2. Test whether today’s low is lower than yesterday’s. Go to cell
        E4, enter the formula =IF(C3>C4,C3−C4,0) and copy it down the
        length of that column. It measures the depth of the downside
        penetration below the previous day’s range, and if there is none,
        it shows zero.
        3. Choose the lookback period and summarize all downside penetrations
        during that time. Begin with 10 days and later experiment
        with other values. Go to cell F13, enter the formula =SUM(E4:E13),
        and copy it down the length of that column. It will summarize the
        extent of all downside penetrations for the past 10 days.
        4. Mark each bar that penetrates below the previous bar. Go to
        cell G4, enter the formula =IF(C4<C3,1,0) and copy it down the
        length of that column. It will mark each downside penetration
        with 1 and no penetration with 0.
        5. Count the number of downside penetrations during the lookback
        period, in this case 10 days. Go to cell H13, enter the formula
        SUM(G4:G13), and copy it down the length of that column. It will
        show how many times in the past 10 days the lows have been
        6. Find the Average Downside Penetration by dividing the sum of
        all downside penetrations during the lookback period by their
        number. Go to cell I13, enter the formula =F13/H13, and copy it
        down the length of that column. It will show the Average Downside
        Penetration for each day, that is, the normal level of downside
        noise in that market.
        7. Place your stop for today at a multiple of yesterday’s Average
        Downside Penetration below yesterday’s low. Multiply yesterday’s
        Average Downside Penetration by a selected coefficient, starting
        at 2 but testing as high as 3, and subtract the result from yesterday’s
        low to obtain today’s stop. Go to cell J14, enter the formula
        =C13−2•I13, and copy it down the length of that column. It will
        place a stop two Average Downside Penetrations below the latest
        low. If today’s low penetrates yesterday’s low by twice the normal
        range of noise, we bail out.
        8. Refine the formula to prevent it from lowering stops in uptrends.
        If the above formula tells us to lower our stop, we simply leave
        it at the previous day’s level. Go to cell K16, enter the formula
        TRADING 177
        MAX(J14:J16), and copy it down the length of that column. It will
        prevent the stop from declining for three days, by which time
        either the uptrend resumes or the stop is hit.
        Rules for Shorts in Downtrends When the trend is down, we calculate
        SafeZone on the basis of the highs because their pattern determines
        stop placement.
        1. Obtain at least a month of data for your stock or future in highlow-
        close format, as shown in Table 6.1 (highs are in column B
        with the first record in row 3).
        2. Test whether today’s high is higher than yesterday’s. Go to cell
        L4, enter the formula IF(B4B3,B4−B3,0), and copy it down the
        length of that column. It measures the height of the upside penetration
        above the previous day’s range, and if there is none, it
        shows zero.
        3. Choose the lookback period for summarizing upside penetrations.
        Begin with 10 days and experiment with higher values. Go
        to cell M13, enter the formula SUM(L4:L13), and copy it down the
        length of that column. It will summarize the extent of all upside
        penetrations for the past 10 days.
        4. Mark each bar that penetrates above the previous bar. Go to cell
        N4, enter the formula IF(B4B3,1,0), and copy it down the length
        of that column. It will mark each upside penetration with 1 and no
        penetration with 0.
        5. Count the number of upside penetrations during the lookback
        period, in this case 10 days. Go to cell O13, enter the formula
        SUM(N4:N13), and copy it down the length of that column. It will
        show how many times in the past 10 days the highs have been
        6. Find the Average Upside Penetration by dividing the sum of all
        upside penetrations during the lookback period by their number.
        Go to cell P13, enter the formula M13/O13, and copy it down the
        length of that column. It shows the Average Upside Penetration,
        the normal level of upside noise in that market.
        7. Place the stop for your short position today at a multiple of yesterday’s
        Average Upside Penetration above yesterday’s high.
        Multiply yesterday’s Average Upside Penetration by a selected coefficient,
        starting at 2 but testing as high as 3, and add the result
        to yesterday’s high to obtain today’s stop. Go to cell Q14, enter
        the formula B132•P13, and copy it down the length of that column.
        It will place a stop two Average Upside Penetrations above
        yesterday’s high. If today’s high shoots above yesterday’s high by
        twice the normal amount, it hits our stop and we bail out.
        8. Refine the formula to prevent it from raising the stop during a
        downtrend. If the above formula tells us to raise our stop, we
        simply leave it at the previous day’s level. Go to cell R16, enter
        the formula MIN(Q14:Q16), and copy it down the length of that
        column. It will prevent the stop from rising for three days, by
        which time either the downtrend resumes or the stop is hit.

        SafeZone offers an original approach to placing stops. It monitors
        changes in prices and adapts stops to the current levels of activity. It
        places stops at individually tailored distances rather than at obvious
        support and resistance levels.


        • #5

          From trader to Trader, one question that arise from your last post.

          How do you plan your entry /exit and therefore your stops?

          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


          • #6

            My entries come from a number of systems, e.g. Force Index, EMA Crossovers, etc. At the moment exits are primarily based on the Parabolic curve, highest high being reached, or when prices crosses ema three times.



            • #7
              RE: Reply to post 'Elders SafeZone'

              Thank you.
              My question is just because we are here, in the Tom Joseph AGET domain
              and I wonder if you ever followed the AGET approach :
              Typpe 1 buy/sel
              Type 2 Buy/sell

              or the simpliest and very efficient XTL trade managememnt.



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              -----Original Message-----
              From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
              Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 9:39 AM
              To: [email protected]
              Subject: Reply to post 'Elders SafeZone'

              Hello fabrizio,

              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


              • #8

                Can you show me where I can get more information on the AGET approach?




                • #9
                  Originally posted by cpatte7372

                  Can you show me where I can get more information on the AGET approach?


                  Sure with pleasure.
                  Follow those links:
                  ADVANCED GET where you will find Marcus Reinheradt threads

                  Than Subscribe to his group ADVANCED GET GROUP

                  It is the most comprehensive "booster" to understand how to trade safely, making money and preserving your capital.

                  Marcus is a living Bible of expèerince and a great and prolific teacher.
                  At no cost.

                  You can even find his suggestions on opportunities to trade RIGHT HERE

                  I'm sure that once you'll be more familiar with our methodologies you will find them easy and absolutley profitable.
                  Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                  • #10
                    Let me add one more thing

                    This community is one of the most advanced in the world of trading for what concern level of preparation and support.
                    And the #1 in terms of dimesnion and care/support of the partecipants either customers or not.

                    ESIGNALCENTRAL is one of a kind, and - if you allow me- worth to be thoroughfully "explored".

                    Enjoy what you can find here.
                    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                    • #11

                      Thanks a lot. Unfortunately, because I'm very new to trading and don't have a great deal of money at the moment I don't think I can afford AGET just yet. However, once I become successful and have built up enough equity I will certainly subscribe to AGET.




                      • #12

                        I couldn't agree with you more. This group has been a pillar of strength in helping me become a successful trader. I really owe a lot to the members of this forum.



                        • #13
                          Should have your SafeZone efs soon. Just working out a few last issues. Hope to have it to you today for testing.


                          • #14

                            I shall look forward to testing it out.




                            • #15
                              I believe this is what was described in your post. Several parameters can be changed through Edit Studies. My apologies for taking so long. It has been several years since I was a programmer and JavaScript is a new language to me.

                              Test it out and let me know if it is working properly.
                              Attached Files

